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Got sent out 10/07/07 to r bail some barly straw and came face to face with this beast nh i think it was a cr 9080 but that was 2 days ago now so might be wrong ?

CR980 perhaps?  :-\

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Cracking snaps, is this near the roundabout for Witney from the A420 Stevo? Swindon side of it? I am sure I have seen that tractor and trailer combo up that way before. Some big old arable boys up that way I know!!

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Cracking snaps, is this near the roundabout for Witney from the A420 Stevo? Swindon side of it? I am sure I have seen that tractor and trailer combo up that way before. Some big old arable boys up that way I know!!

Walker is the farmer not to sure where the main farm is or how big he is but judging by the combine i would think big . These pics were on the marcham/wantage road just past the old mill where the road narrows up a bit about 4/5 miles from the a420 heading towards abingdon  ;D

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Wantage!! I mean't Wantage not Witney!! Think I know where you mean, there was a lot of gorund up there that had sludge cake lastyear, remember seeing the stockpiles in the fields along the A420 there.

I reckon with a combine like that he must have a good, ooooh 400 acres or so?!!  ::):D

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Walker is the farmer not to sure where the main farm is or how big he is but judging by the combine i would think big . These pics were on the marcham/wantage road just past the old mill where the road narrows up a bit about 4/5 miles from the a420 heading towards abingdon  ;D

I used to live in wantage for about 8 years and still visit friends there. Im fairly certain the main farm is in Hanney just out on the steventon road

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God I hate those Rolland trailers  >:(

Can you imagine taking the turn at the bottom of the hill in Wellingtonbridge with a trailer that had a centre of gravity that high?  :o

Doesn't bear thinking about.  ::)

Compare the wasted/unused height of the Rolland with the compactness of this Mixie Toomey. IIRC this baby had 16 tonnes on board, and could have taken another tonne and a half only he had to get into the yard before they closed.


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Can you imagine taking the turn at the bottom of the hill in Wellingtonbridge with a trailer that had a centre of gravity that high?  :o

Doesn't bear thinking about.  ::)

Compare the wasted/unused height of the Rolland with the compactness of this Mixie Toomey. IIRC this baby had 16 tonnes on board, and could have taken another tonne and a half only he had to get into the yard before they closed.

Couldn't agree more with you SPN  -lots of other places too that you wouldn't be too happy bringing them Rollands :(

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