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Farming action near Neuss (Germany) 2007-08-08

Richard de Florennes

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Do you post your photo's to a website? You should, like Photobucket or something. You have shown us all some fantastic photos since joinging FTF mate and I love see them, these are no exception - excellent shots. We have a Tebbe spreader like that for chicken muck and stuff, I hope I get to use it  :)

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No, but I am planning to make a photo-book on "Farming in the Rhine region" and let it print on a low-prize basis to available for my few friends, even fewer friendly farmers, even fewer fellow model makers but quite a lot of - according to statements here - very friendly FTF book; mabye we can even make a FTF year 2007 book with all the best shots of our members ...

Some pics from today due in a few minutes after brining my son to bed ...

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nice pics mate.looks like around my area flat flat flat ;D;)

and what about your stubble working you made for a friend?

Thanks for all the nice feedback.

see my topic "Poison for the world".

Well it finally turned off to be a big dissapointment (again), as I saw him (not a friend, just a nearby farmer) stubble working today, so for some reason he was not satisfied with my work ...

Well maybe I am born more for taking pictures, as my practical abilities for real farming or building own scale models are both limited.

At the moment I am a bit dissapointed of practical farming men in general (in our region), so just beeing frightend of any further dissappointment (e. g. no row-cultivator :'() might lead to kind of over-reaction, sorry in advance ...

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