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summer holidays in scotland

pistol pete

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Well have gone back to scotland for our summer holidays. but unlike most people i have been out working when i can. we arrived home on tuesday the 7th at about 1.30pm. by 7.00pm i was on the seat of one of the farms john deeres. i had arrived home at the perfect time the oilseed rape was just starting to be combined. for the past 10years i have always carted the oilseed rape,and this year would be no different.We cart our rape of the combined about 23 miles straight into the dryer at the grain merchants.The first night we filled up the three trailer with rape for the next morning. One trailer was on our friends t reg fergie can't say i liked the drive much, the other was on 6410 and the last on our 6820. Wednesday and thursday were taken up with carting the oilseedrape from our farm to there for me and jim combining the rest of the rape and guess what i had my camera along for the ride.

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thats the one martin just after the services. no but we got the rape finished and the last of it has gone in the next thing i am waiting for is the weather to dry up so we can get the silage done.

Have you cut the silage grass yet mate? We've cut all of ours, managed to bale and wrap 2 of the 3 fields before the weather broke but we've still got one to go......

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cut it on thursday then the rain came so it is wet as you can imagin hope the weather clears this week might get it baled by end of week

Same as us mate......We're hoping that over the next few days it'll dry out a bit and we'll maybe get baling by the end of the week/weekend......

nice pics there!! ;D ;D

its funny, your starting your OSR....we have finished ours down here and some of the fields have been drilled! :) :)

There's still a few fields of OSR to be harvested around here Ben......Including the one my house is in......The lad started it but was rained off......

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spoke to my mate today he has 20 acres left from 400m then he has about 900acrs of barelyto cut before he starts the wheat. was waffleing the grass today so it should be baled by end of the night  had to go out with the wife so i didn't get to bale but will be back tommorrow and will be bring home whats left of the silage.

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