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FORD 4610 M


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did ford produce a 4610 M tractor in yellow?  I know that they produced a 4610 H

Never heard of a version with an "M" after the 4610 but there was a yellow 4610 H made for highways use. There was also a 4610 T which was a turbo conversion made by S.E.M. ltd if I remember correctly
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agree with that never heard of 4610m. S.E.M. ford have alot to thank them for as they put the concept of the 7810 to ford ;)

The famous 7810 accounted for nearly 25% of all Ford series 10 range sales at one point. That was what it said in the Stuart Gibbard book the Ford story part 2. And Ford were not keen on developing a 6 cylinder model themselves at the time S.E.M. put the idea to them.
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The famous 7810 accounted for nearly 25% of all Ford series 10 range sales at one point. That was what it said in the Stuart Gibbard book the Ford story part 2. And Ford were not keen on developing a 6 cylinder model themselves at the time S.E.M. put the idea to them.

and if I remember rightly they showed Ford 2 versions an open platform one and one fitted with the "AP" cab

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think there are pictures in Stuard Gibbard book "The Ford Story Part 2" not got a copy myself but if I'm right I'm sure someone will scan the pictures and post them on here. It was silly of Ford not being keen on a 6 cylinder version as the French farmers perfered 6 clyinders to 4 cylinder versions

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One thing always puzzles me about the 7810 and that is why Ford didn't bring it out with the 8x2 and also an AP or LP cab I believe that this would have been a strong seller for them and still be very popular today :)

I recall seeing prototype AP and LP cab version pictures or artists impressions of the 7810 in the Ford story part 2 and something was said about using the old 8x2 non synchromesh for export market models. I can't comfirm this as my book is somewhere in the loft at the moment and I can't gain access to loft with my cracked ribs as it involves pulling yourself up into loft as ladder is too short  :( Can anyone else find their copy to confirm this ?
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I recall seeing prototype AP and LP cab version pictures or artists impressions of the 7810 in the Ford story part 2 and something was said about using the old 8x2 non synchromesh for export market models. I can't comfirm this as my book is somewhere in the loft at the moment and I can't gain access to loft with my cracked ribs as it involves pulling yourself up into loft as ladder is too short  :( Can anyone else find their copy to confirm this ?

No need to mate your exactly right ;)

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The famous 7810 accounted for nearly 25% of all Ford series 10 range sales at one point. That was what it said in the Stuart Gibbard book the Ford story part 2. And Ford were not keen on developing a 6 cylinder model themselves at the time S.E.M. put the idea to them.

Ford Tractor Operations were absolutely terrible in their attitude to dealers and customers and rarely listened to any thing we asked for. SEM built six cylinder compact tractors long before Fords admitted there was a market for it. We (Sussex Tractors) asked them time and time again for one and they said there was only a limited market for them. Six cylinder tractors were very popular; you only had to see the number of IH 956's and JD 3140's there were around at the time and how much their drivers liked them. We had to try and compete with specialist manufactured tractors. The nearest we got to getting what we wanted was the 8100, but that was a bit too big in physical size for most farmers in our area and didn't have the same performance as the 7810 engine. County's at Fleet built those from a 6700 tractor base. The 7810 produced a lot more torque at slower engine speeds.

    Another classic was the 'Rubik' cube gearbox. Fords proudly announced it at one of their dealer open days, and the reps stood there open mouthed in disbelief that they could produce something so user unfriendly. No one knew exactly what they were bringing out because again, we weren't consulted about what the customers wanted. Try selling one of those to a farmer with a JD SG2 cabbed tractor. What an embarrassment. The first one I took to a ploughing match as a demonstrator had the gearbox jam up when I was loading it back on the truck.

    Ford's managed to redeem themselves when the 7810 came out. All we said was what took you so long, and 'Told you so'. ;):)

P.S.  I've never heard of a 4610 M either. The 4610 H was a yellow Highway tractor. :-* Lovely little thing.


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