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Mostly Maize


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The first photographs were taken on sunday, it seemed a bit strange to me the way they cut the maize this year, they used the Big X to cut around the edges of the fields and then disappeared until wednesday to do the main part of the crop, any idea why they'd do that?

First two of the Krone Big X V8, pulling it's own trailers cutting the head lands.



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lovely pictures there boy. could be they were just opening up the field cos the farmer was a bit short on feed or something, maybe they cut enough to keep him going for a few days then put the rest into a pit

Cheers everyone...maybe there won''t be many more harvests, some developer is applying for planning permission on the lower fields :'(

could be they were just opening up the field cos the farmer was a bit short on feed or something, maybe they cut enough to keep him going for a few days then put the rest into a pit

They opened up three fields though ??? I can see one of the pits from here (has a Fendt 716 going up and down at the moment:D) and they definitely had crop going in before sunday and continously during the week until they came back...I'm a bit puzzled. I can understand holding off on the hilly field for it to dry for a few days maybe (in the last few photos the Krone did start to slip sideways :D) but not the others ???

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i dont know why they did it that way  ??? sorry off topic i know but the farmer next door to us has three 9 acre sqaure fields in a line and for some reason they always start at the ferthest one away from the road and they always plant up to the ditch ,and when harvesting they always cutt a strip  through the two fields and start on the third ?? i dont know why he does this ,the only reason i could think about is if it gets wet they dont have to travel through the fields  :-\ ??? what do you think  :-\

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i dont know why they did it that way  ??? sorry off topic i know but the farmer next door to us has three 9 acre sqaure fields in a line and for some reason they always start at the ferthest one away from the road and they always plant up to the ditch ,and when harvesting they always cutt a strip  through the two fields and start on the third ?? i dont know why he does this ,the only reason i could think about is if it gets wet they dont have to travel through the fields  :-\ ??? what do you think  :-\

Not in this case Rich, they cut round all three and then started cutting to one nearest the farm. The furthest field has it's own road access, if you see my video http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=18130.new#new , you can see them come in the top via this road (like the fendt is doing) and then go out to the right, towards the farm, through the fields.

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