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Farming action near Neuss (Germany), 2007-11-15

Richard de Florennes

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after almost two weeks of very wet weather, farming action was re-started last Thursday, which was blessed by some sunshine. So I used some four hours between 09.00 and 13.00 hrs before late shift work four a tour through my home region "Neuss-shire". Due to the high numer of implements recorded, I post just one picture of each (though further postings are possible on request) implement/field (without any further quality check due to lack of time), so here we go:

We begin with an active Stoll V202 two-row beet harvester and a parked Stoll V100 single-row beet harvester.


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I am not sure about the meaning of this further Stoll implement. It has to do something with sugar beet, but there is no device for topping, lifting or transporting beet with exception of the bunker, so it is either a "scrapped beet harvester" or just used as loading system in connection with a trailer??? It was just parked, so no chance for asking the farmer ...


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tanks for the nice feedback ...

Regarding the Holmer beet harvester, it was supported by this tractor. As the contractor obviously loves to have all his machines painted red, it was quite difficult to discover the real brand of this anonymous tractor. I know the answer, you too? Guesses welcome! One hint: it is a "highly-collectible" brand  :D


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finally, as this was the last agricultural feature of that day and - as I am an absolute row/root crop fan - my absolute highlight, I am now breaking my own "only one pic of each" policy with two pics from this International with BLEINROTH sugar beet harvester customized for harvesting celery:

(be aware that by today's hometown Neuss was one of the most important INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER factories in Europe until closure in the 1990s, so IH was well represented on the fields of our region of course ...)



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