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Farming action near Viersen (Germany) 2007-12-10, almost last picture of my life

Richard de Florennes

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Can you see the friendly face of this farmer?

When passing his field by chance while driving on an official road I saw this strange mashine which later turned out to be a radish harvester, I took the chance as always when such situations occur, stopped safely on the verges, lowered the window and took a picture with my camera, always laying ready when I am on any tour ...

Unfortunately, due to the dull weather, the camera automatically used flash light which drew the farmers attention.

Although not all farmers are pleased when beeing portraied without warning (however, often there is no chance for asking them personally), as soon as they ask and get to know that I am a farming enthusiast and obviously the only one they ever met in their lifetime, they turn out to become friendly and helpul.

That's the reason I stayed calm and waited in my car, when out of a sudden the farmer jumped off his tractor and was at my car windos withinh just a few seconds.

Although my little son (not just 3 years old) was sitting behind me (he began to cry when he saw the farmer appearing at our car), with a red face he began shouting:

Farmer (shouting): "Give me the camera, immediately"

Me (calm): "Why should I?"

(shouting): "You took pics of me!"

Me (ironical): "No, I did not, I just took pics of the nice landscape over here, by chance your tractor was in my way ..."

Farmer (shouting): "Dont ly -Give me the camera, immediately"

Me (calm, closing the car windows electronically leaving just a small gap for verbal communication): "Ok, if it makes you calm again I will delete the picture!"

Farmer (shouting even louder): "Dont ly -Give me the camera, give me the film"

Me (calm): "There is no film, its a digital ..."

Farmer (shouting even louder): "Dont talk - give me the film or I kill you!" (really!!!)

Me (becoming really frightened now): "Sir, please calm down. I am a tractor fan."

Farmer (shouting even louder): "That does not interest me - give me the film"

Me (less frightened now): "Sir, I am just a farming enthusiast, this pictures will not be published"

Farmer (shouting even louder): "Dont talk - give me the film or I kill you!" (really!!!)

Me (becoming really frightened again): "Ok, ok ok I delete the picture. Here look!" (showing him that the picture dissapeared just by shutting of the camera ;-)))

Farmer (a little bit less excited): "Ok, but you will get a legal complaint by me via police"

Me (just not knowing how to react now): "A complaint? Why for what?"

and so on ... finally I could convince him that I really a farming enthusiast my naming some local farmers I know and some citizens names of a nearby village where I had grown up, which was kind of an interrogation; e. g. he asked

Farmer (very diminant): "Ok, I will believe you if you can say me: what is the nickname of the villages butcher's oldest son?"

Me (helpless): "But sir, I have been born in 1971 and my family left the village in 1980. All I can remember is the farmer called Willi who used to have two Ford tractors, a 5000 and a 6600 or, where I made my first farming experiences".

Farmer (giving me his dirty hand full of mashine oil): "Ok, I remember there was a farmer called willi with Ford tractor, so you might be right..."

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Wow  :o :o :o

You were lucky It makes me wonder why some people are so hostile ??? I guess yyou have to becareful in this day and age. Does sound to me like he has something to hide, maybe he is only a worker for the farm and thought you collecting evidence  :D :D :D

It is the farmer himself:

It turned out that he has a lot of enemies (envious neighbors), who sent him visits off customs and tax officials a few weeks ago, they thought a had employed illegal workers from abroad - however the Farmer said that his workes turned all out to be legal.

Also, he said, that this harvester was his own idea and some people tryed to steel this idea? All sounded very strange to me ...

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Nice pictures yet again Sascha  ;D ;D its good of you to risk your life to get us some pictures  ;)

i guess he was just up tight and a bit paranoid with all that was going on with his neighbours and worried his design was being copied, understandable enough i think.

I know plenty farmers who dont get on with their other heighbours some of which are farmers too, and i know a few who would probably get cranky if people turned up out of the blue taking photos especially with regard to all the farm inspectors, environment inspectors, tax men etc lurking around.

during the summer we had the police called to us by a guy from the city who moved to the country  because we were baling on a farm all night.(it was going to rain heavy and alot of ground was mowed) the police were very understanding and just called to keep him quite.

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pretty cool pics there  Sacha , you were lucky !!!!!!

Alan we`ve had that too, workin away at nights , we have fields that flood  I`ll post a pic or two if I can find them ,so if there is heavy rain forecast, we too, go on all night if necessary.You`ll get the same story, we had a complaint so they had to come and investigate.

Once ;D There was a ladies golf tournament goin on , it was a tuesday, we`d had a busy weekend , a very late night on the monday and were trying to get done before the rain forecast for the wed. things wer`nt goin well and I was gettin Pi***d off .From where I was, would be, half a mile or so up to the golf course, up hill  3 fields away and across a road, a small house garden and there you`d be on the course .The weather was still and I`m not surprised voices carried ..........the baler bust a drive chain, I got out and was pretty annoyed.Dad came over and virtually accused me of breakin it so we wouldn`t get finished , well as you can imagine, WW3 broke out.

I was so close to fellin him, we were really shoutin swearin and bawlin at one another.somebody on the course reported us for breach of the peace!!!!!!!!! :o

later that day , we were actually in at home, just finished up baling , gettin organised to cart bales when the  police car draws up and the local coppers got out.

Not quite sure what was up, dad approached them and I could hear  some of the conversation........I got shouted over , I was covered in dust,sweat, oil,grease, I`d torn skin off my arm so there was blood too, I`d wiped my face and some had stuck to my brow....( I didnt know this at the time) I looked rough.I`m not small and my temper wasnt good at gettin held up.

we got a tickin off ...I`m gettin pretty annoyed but trying to bite my tongue when one of them says to me, you know if theres anything you`d like to tell us , we`re here to help you , are there any charges you`d like to bring?.I`m like EH????? Dad`s 5`8" and OLD I`m 6 foot ,16 stone  and not exactly a shrinkin violet.He thinks dad`s hit me hence the row and the mess etc etc ....it all got sorted out eventually but goes to show you how far voices travel and how seriously complaints are taken  sometimes.the golf ladies if they`d had any  country sense, would have said nothin , life in the countryside can be colourful at times but quite clearly someone took offence!  DOH  :o::);D

its something we round here take for granted  folks taking pics ,having a couple of rights of way thru the land we see it often but you`re right it could well be officials or someone hoping to land us in trouble.

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thats only happened to us when we were carting silage and they phoned the police to come and stop us but luckily the chopper who came round ,his inlaws had a farm and he knew how hectic silage was and all he said was who had phoned and try going past a bit quieter  ::);D so we upped the speed a bit going past :D they moved out about a month after they only stayed about 3 months  ::):D townies  ::)

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Good pic take it you had to blur out the guys face and he looks like shrek the farmer. I dont understand why people get soo wound up if machinary works  on a night i live right next to a big arable area tractors go up and down all harvest on the night never hear them half the time.

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Good pic take it you had to blur out the guys face and he looks like shrek the farmer. I dont understand why people get soo wound up if machinary works  on a night i live right next to a big arable area tractors go up and down all harvest on the night never hear them half the time.

some people just like to complain  :( id say on average we get the police called about twice a season  ;D most people living in the country are very understandable though but as they say theres always one  :D

Haha jakescot good story boy i can just picture the scene  :P. its gone that way though before anything could go in the country now you must be a bit more tactile. i had a guy report me for speeding in a tractor along a 100km an hour road, i was doing 40km  ??? cops turned up and all i could do was laugh

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wo what a story!!! :D your a brave man,

to be honest at silage season our roads is always busy with contractors drawing silage, at school nites i would be in bed and i love the sound of the tractors going past, i always knew by the sound what tractor went past, especialy those jd 2850's or 3650's!!! ooooh what dreams i had those nites :-*

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this farmer was quite a contrast to the other one. After asking if I might take pics of his tractor, he not only parked the implement especially for me, but also was rather communicative (as are most farmers here - always complaning about the bad weather, the bad harvest or (if harvest is good) the bad prices, the high-workload, the bad agricultural politicians in Germany and especially the European Union and so on ... is this also common behavior amongst UK farmers? ;-)))


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this farmer was quite a contrast to the other one. After asking if I might take pics of his tractor, he not only parked the implement especially for me, but also was rather communicative (as are most farmers here - always complaning about the bad weather, the bad harvest or (if harvest is good) the bad prices, the high-workload, the bad agricultural politicians in Germany and especially the European Union and so on ... is this also common behavior amongst UK farmers? ;-)))

I think it is common amongst all farmers no matter which country you live in  :)

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