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HELP!! .............. Orange Valmet logging tractor


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ya ive seen them go for around ?90 thats roughly the same as ?40

Howd'ya figure that one out then civilpek? ??? Thats a ?1 to ?0.44 exchange rate!! Its usually more like 65 to 70 pence. Looks like you've been ripped off somewhere. You don't deal with AIB do you?


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;D ;D im afraid i dont really deal wit any bank due to lack of money to begin with! i was just using my own conversion technique for civilpek topia land obviously it is subject to some small margins of error  ::) i saw it for €90 on one of those dutch sites a while back that was boxed of course when i got mine it was in the ploughing match a few years ago forget what i paid for it not too much though
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