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Display Journal For Cider Hill Farms Day 19 & 20 with pics**


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I thought I would show you guys this, to give you a litttle taste of my 16th display journals, and 16th scale.

Ask questions, make comments(negative or not), etc. etc. etc. ;)

It's been a busy week at Cider Hill 16th farms. The 9420T and the 2700 Ripper have been ripping up some old tomatoes fields that are going to be hay next year. The 5288 w/ the Jd disk have been working on the old hay fields that are going to be tomatoes next year. We try to rotate our fields about every 3-4 years.

We have been getting a lot of rain lately so the laneways have been washing out on us. The 2 road graders have been busy working on the laneways for about a week now. More rain is in the forecast so we may just be wasting our time fixing them now.

When it hasn't been raining we have been bush cutting the 4310. We are trying to make new fields with some of the forestry we own. A big dairy farmer up the road just bought a 4310. He has been helping us, and we have been loaning him the 4995 during cutting of hay in exchange. The 2010 Tractor w/ blade has been adding some millings from a road they grinded up near town. It was spreading it around the garden tractor barn to make room for more tractors. It also has been making a wider laneway to get to the fire woodpile that is in the woods. The IH backhoe has been pulling stumps for the new laneway. After the backhoe got all the stumps out the 2010 went in there and leveled it all out. The new widened laneway went up in about 3 days.

We have just had time to get rid of the woodchip pile that has been there for months. The JD 320 Skid Steer, Chevy dump truck, and the 5420 have been spreading woodchips for about the last week. They have been moving the woodchips to the south side of the farm. They finished that up yesterday.

The Jumbo Tomato crop was good until the first frost it them. We had about 30+ Jumbo tomatoes in the barn ready to be sold the next day, and it got just a little cold that night, and they rotted in the barn. The tomatoes are done for the season. We have had some good crops, about 30 bushels per acre.

As for equipment we are looking at a 2004 NH Chopper w/ 2r corn head and 13' hay head, Also 2 JD Forage wagons. The NH will be pulled by the 5288. We are also looking for a JD hydra push manure spreader. Also most likely, we will be trading in out JD X595 garden tractor, as it has been having many mecahnical problems for a JD L110 with a blade. We also will be getting a JD 1700 corn planter, so we will not have to plant all those fields by hand again.

I would like to give a special Thanks To:

Dan Nowland, and another tts forum user(you know who you are

;) ) for helping me write out this journal, and making it the best one yet!!!

This concludes the 2005 Cider Hill Farms Display Journals. Be on the lookout for them again sometime in early-late march!

Questions/comments/suggestions are more then welcome


The International 560 parked in the front of the field:


A Jd vintage tractor with 5 bottom plow doing some fall tillage:


SOME BIG POWER!!!!!! Jd 9420t and 2700 mulch ripper tilling up the field:




The 1586 is also tilling up the field. It is following the Jd 9420t and 2700, and disking up the ground. Our new gator is in the second picture:



JD 950 with the hay rake, and the gator:


The entrance of the farm:


A few tractors doing a little fall work:


New Holland 8430 with loader parked by the mulch pile:


Because of some rought we found in the beams, we took the riding mower barn down for the winter, and will be putting it back up next spring or summer. In the meanwhile, this gives the farm time to add and level some dirt in that area:


Today was a big day for removing stumps. We got about 35 of them removed today! Only 100 more to go :roll:



We are really up in our knees with the brush cutting, literally! :



Because the rain has been holding off for the past few days, this gave us a good opurtunity to finish repairing the major damages in the roads:



Because the weather has been lousy lately ( we even got 1 inch of snow last weekend!), we have been trying to store as much machinery inside the equipment shed as possible, even if we have to jam-pack it all in!:






Some ariel views of the farm. Compare these pictures to the ones that were taken back in april:







Thank for looking!

Untill Next Year

-Cider Hill Farms

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Nice pics CCF......1/16 looks good modelled outdoors....How is the 1/32 display coming along ?

It's coming up nicely. I should be starting the fields next weekend, presuming that I have some extra time on my hands. I changed a few things around on the 32nd display, and added some new machinery, so if time permits, tommorow I will get some pictures of the changes & additions with a little farm action as well!

Thank you for the kind word on the 16th display as well! :) :)

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