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Richard de Florennes

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If anyone has ever seen a crow take a ewe's eyes, while still alive, they wouldn't be a bit squeamish about hanging a dead one up to scare others away. Nasty, evil, vermin .

Something that I was going to mention as well having seen new born lambs become victims of these evil birds as well, lead poisoning is too humane for them at times

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Something that I was going to mention as well having seen new born lambs become victims of these evil birds as well, lead poisoning is too humane for them at times

never knew that Gav :-\ :-\ :o....i'll make sure we attempt to shoot a few when out shooting next!

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The Carrion Crow (Hoody) is the one that does most damage to livestock. Jackdaw,Magpie,Raven are more nest raiders of other birds, Rook is the crop pest. I used to catch live Carrion crows with a Larsen trap and the rest using a crow ladder trap. very effective and far cheaper than cartridges. Don`t see many farmers or Gamekeepers doing it now though.

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