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At work with KIWINZ number 2


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what i am proposing is i only upload my pictures as far as my photobucket account and that way dont get n to trouble for over posting more than 6 pictures.

as with summer and the last of silage cumming up, me getting my licence i will b on the road all summer and taking lots of pictures

and havng 400 to upload for grass and muck which will be to time consuming.

basically i will leave a likn to my photobucket account were yu can all wiev them there in as much or as less detail

and from there you could say for exampl picture 21 is very good

do you think this is a good idea?

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Maybe if you didn't take so many pics then it wouldn't be so time consuming putting them up  :-\ :-\

I dont mean only take 2-3 pics, i mean only take 2-3 pics of each machine in different areas  :-\ ??? ???

Just a thought  :) :)

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Why not do it the way everyone else does it? Take all the pics you want to take. Then,when it comes to uploading them just upload the best of them.

well basically apart from being only good with my hands im cr@p at using computers

and i have problems choosing whicj are the best e.g. i go into a sweet shop and i have trouble deciding wether to have a galaxy or a dairy milk or a twirl ect so ill spend 10 minits in the shop then turn foind and ask the shopkeeper what he reckons is best as i cant decide for my self also why i dont go in a supermarket for sweets as theres too much choice

am i allowed to do this as its would be easier for everyone?

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Why not do it the way everyone else does it? Take all the pics you want to take. Then,when it comes to uploading them just upload the best of them.

But tris that is the hard way tho, its much easyer to dump 400 pics in a floder and click bulk uploader ;)

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It is more time consuming I know but it just makes for a tidier account. If an image is blurred, in poor light, exactly the same as the one before and that sort of thing I don't see the point in uploading them. I always delete those sort of images from the computor when I view them as a slide show to check them all out. Then you are left with fewer, better images.

That bulk uploader thing is brilliant isn't it Nick? Made life a whole lot easier. :)

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you can have load of pics in a topic.....just 6 per reply!

and as Tris said, its simple!, just post up the good ones and delete the cr@p ones, no need for ones of soil, or where the camera was dropped or several of the same picsetc....some members switch off, but please continue to post them up sensibly

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