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Mowing the dikes!


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Ermm Bc they are Zikos photos, ziko did a bulk post on the 1st page and gave reposted them in 6,s

Ah well I just assumed Gavin had been away on holiday ;) ;) and I actully missed reading the first page ...thanks for pointing it out though.

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Who owns the dykes then Ziko? Are they like common land over here, where farmers have grazing rights or pay a rent to the local authority for cropping them? Or does the authority pay certain farmers who have land bordering them to maintain them in whatever way they choose? Or, last one  ;), is your boss a contractor who maintains a particular section which he doesn't own any ground on or next to? I presume they don't belong to private individuals as failure to maintain them properly would be something a little more than a catastrophe ?  ;)

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Well Simon they belong to the authority and they have the right to mow them. I assume they don't pay for it,  but I don't know how they got the rights to get the permission to mow them. I guess they have them for as long as they live.

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