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Still busy with the elephant grass but getting there  ;D doing a 60 hectre farm at the mo but should finish tuesday . But i have got my puma 155 on the front (so i am a happy bunny) Had a nice drive on thursday in the puma 180  got rained off from planting went down to taunton from chippenham to pick up the patch planter  ;D two hrs 20 mins (with no wrong turns) Then 1 hour and 45 mins back to another farm plus three hours in the truck ready for bed that night  ;D

I hadn't realised there was so much travelling involved, you cover a lot of ground )  :P 

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Well another busy week .But hopefully finished the ele grass there is some more to do down in exeter and Bridgeport talk of me running the planter down (hope not) So had a busy county hopping week started by castle comb wilts.beedon berkshire.brackly northhants then ended up near milton Keynes  ;D Just totaled up and i have coverd about 550 acres  ::) Weather permitting this week should see some silage jobs start  ;D The new mowers turned up this week so puma 180 got ready for action


Had a full week now on my puma 155 70 hrs clocked up lovely tractor to drive only one problem with her air con packed up but will be put right soon ;D


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Gutted I missed you Stevo when you were so close but as you probably guessed it was a manic week for me before coming away. Ace photo's, hellish mileage mind!! All sounds good though. Mowing rig looks a corker too. . .  8)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Was a shame triss would have been nice to meet you prehaps next year ;D Well been a busy month (don't time fly) I have already clocked up 2500 round silage bales .Even the class 2200 has been doing hay only a few acres tho  ;D The tripple mowers have been going well only 200 odd acres left to do (waiting for the grass to grow) Raking a steady little number well it is on my old mxu  ;D Should point out that we mow and rake in front of a spf (not ours ) My puma 155 is a real nice bit of kit just clocked up 200 hrs on her and had a sleep in her well i did finish at 4am so head down over the wheel till 8  ::) Real shame the weather has turned but i do get the weekend off  : :o

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  • 1 month later...

Well another month gone weather has been playing havoc with us again (3rd year in a row now) ::) but we are getting there slowly grass crops have been very poor this year so been covering the ground fairly quick.Harvest has started but the straw is very green so not really got going on that yet  ;D tho we have coverd 300 odd acres approx.I seem to have got myself a new little job haulin a vodaphone mobile mast about .First time was pop up to sw19 (Wimbledon) and bring it back to the yard 9 and a half hours later  ::) Next time left the yard at 6am milton keynes by 8am (main yard for storing the mast's)3 hrs till i left (blinkin red tape) then off to knebworth got there a 1pm at 5pm back to m keynes (not allowed on site) home at 9.30 pm a 200 mile round trip :o Then two days later boss man came out at 12,pm they want the mast now so after a few mutterings under my breath off i went again same trip but gained access this time home by 9.  ::) My old mxu 135 has now clocked up 5200 hrs and still going strong ;D My 155 now has a twin but only has the powershift she is on the class 2100 mine has now clocked up 920 hrs  ::) And is going strong Evan had her on a class 2200 pulled very well  ;D My r bailer is showing signs of 5500 bails had to do a few bearings and let me down once but i do keep the spare one ready  ;D

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  • 7 months later...

Well been busy lookin at the last post date :of Still managed to get me trimmer off today clocked up another 1200 hrs since oct  ::) I do love this time of year (trimmer off) My puma 155 now has clocked up 2300 hrs and she's not 12 months old yet  8) We have had a bit of a breeding problem lately now got 4 puma 155s  ;D And a class 890 spf plus 3 14 ton Baily's :of But on a sad note my old mxu has gone  :'( Three years old with 6000 hrs on her and no spanner touched her very good bit of kit still do someone a good turn

Charly the chopper (890 been named by the driver)has been busy chopping elephant grass about 80 acres so far but a few 100 acres yet to go.Before the grass starts

Sorry no pics been one of those thought provoking winters sat on the trimmer all the time


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That's a new buy then right, the 890? You didn't run a chopper before did you? You coming down this way chopping it?  :) :) :)

The chopper was the one we did the mowing and raking for so it made sense to buy it when he packed up (time will tell) Not sure what is happening with the ele grass bical went bust last nov and a new company has taken over so everything is up in the air at the mo.What i drilled last year won't be ready for a year or two but there might be some planting or patch planting to do yet

You still keeping busy then

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Ah I see, so a customer base came with it then? That doesn't sound to bad. Yeah I'm busy, logs quietening off but cutting for next season now plus fencing and soon enough maize ground will be turned over and the grass will be in full swing  :) :)

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The mowers would be a hand full for that tractor would'nt they stevo?

Things changed within a week of me posting that pic  :of  They ended up on the puma 165 for the season and had no probs  ;D  Managed to do 150 acres a day on fair going on a tank of fuel 400 ltrs not bad
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a jd 6920 can handle mowers like that and theyre about 160/165 horse

When the tractor lugs down due to lack of power would'nt it load the gear boxes up and be hard on the mowers in heavy going?

My old one would'nt of done it even if it had front linkage I'm sure of it.

Most have 200hp or more for triple mowing here.


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When the tractor lugs down due to lack of power would'nt it load the gear boxes up and be hard on the mowers in heavy going?

My old one would'nt of done it even if it had front linkage I'm sure of it.

Most have 200hp or more for triple mowing here.

well i suppose but if you ran mowers with lower hp requirements then it would still be fine

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well i suppose but if you ran mowers with lower hp requirements then it would still be fine

its heavy work theres some steep parks round here fendt 820 was mowing with claas triples and it was a disaster she kept sliding away down the hill, the recommend that you use 10hp for every foot on the mowers.

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