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Johny mf

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Posts posted by Johny mf

  1. i don't have that books but i want to order them in the future

    The second book is it realy worth the afford  ???

  2. done more tonight,  took the rear hitch of and got it working, found some small( tiny ) screws for it, and sorted the fule tank, cab floor  filled the bonnet reday for sanding, and got half the front hicth fitted out with screws to, lots more to do yet before i decide on paint to be honest, hopefully i will get a good crack at it sunday

    I know what you mean mate!

    In the weekends i am most productive!

    Friday eve(night!) Saturday morning till the evening and sunday all day long!

    This weekend maybe not on saturday because they going to build a sound system in my car (subwoofer and that kind off things!)

  3. no i havnt mate, only reason its getting done is i sorted a resin cab last night so the doors open on her to now, so with a bit of work  i will upgrade its a bit more,

    AAhh now i get it mate!

    The thing is i first want to start some projects,and then finish them all when i got the parts and decals that i need!

    But i already am thinking of a serie new projects!

    And thinking of the best way to do it!

    By the way how is the MF3125 coming along Sean ???

  4. Ah, its just that I saw a Schluter 2002 calender, I was just wondering if someone was maybe building up tractors from spares, seems to happen quite often with tractor firms.

    well i can look for you in some old magazines when they stopped building!

    I think it where around that time but i am not shure

  5. What are schl?ter doing now? I know they went bust, but are they back?

    Wel they are bust

    The last tractor is a FANTASY Tractor

    Some one had a photo of a new Kirovits tractor and did some chainging whit his computer!And he made a schl?ter of it ;)

    My regards JMF

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