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Johny mf

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Posts posted by Johny mf

  1. dam thats good, looks so much better with the paint on, easier to see the shapes ect

    thanks sean

    this was a one weekend project (exept the decals and two warning lights i must order!)

    I spent about 40 hours on it now started friday evening begon saturday early in the morning till last night 3 o clock!

    And started today again about 10 o clock till now!

    My girlfriend asked me if i went insane!!!! :-[:-[

  2. Just take the rear fenders out off the shed

    The paint need to hard out so i don't dare to push the bonnet and the cab good on the chassis!So everything is standing lose on the chassis!

    I was qurius how it looked!

    Now i need to paint the black pieces of the rear fender and i removed the steering pin of the cab!

    The hole in the cab roof is now filled whit plastic puty

    Hope the model is now better than the most guy's expected and the proportions are much better now ??? 



  3. Thank you guy's (also for the critisism)

    The thing is this my friends i did a lot of work on the model and i always thougd the MF8280 from siku where to smal from siku!

    If you look on the forum latest conversions Jan Jaap Bol had made the same kind of model on this chassis only his one is a 6490 or something!

    What did i do last night on the model: cut something of the chassis that the bonnet is standing much lower on the chassis!

    The proportions are now much better!

    I take a look of posting some pics tonight because now i am working on the rear fenders that the have a the extentions on the sides!

    My regards Johny MF

  4. :o :o :o what a great convo marcus!

    I love it

    Ive got one in mind for the future but don't know wen i am going to begin!

    I already got the bonnet and will make the cab and rear fenders myself just like my 690 but first want to make other MF's!

    Don't like to make two same kind cabs and rearfender in short time!

    But i realy love this convo!!

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