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Johny mf

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Everything posted by Johny mf

  1. in the back you see the real model! i am searching for the proper weels
  2. a couple of weeks a go i spotted an special MF on farmphoto.com and i tought this i want in my colection! so 2 days ago ive started it because it was raining in holland and i was bored again (what a vacation not the weater fore it in my last week!) so after many hours of work ive became this far. made a scrathcbuild chassis,cab and a bonnet from plastic plate the same kind of plate that i used fore the MF690. This is the second scratch build cab and my first scratch build bonnet. so what do you think about it
  3. it had take me about 35 hours to make it like it is now akey! now i must order a grill,air intake and an exhaust! modify the grill and then it is finihsd
  4. looking good mate you have a big production line over there! But the ideas are awsome!
  5. thats true deere power i know one company that uses a Fendt 930 in the woords but that one got only pantser glass and 20mm plate under the tractor.whit a weight of 11T!
  6. :o looking good mate in holland are not many company's that do the woods whit tractors but i think this is something that looks great in a collection!!
  7. i think this massey wanted to go to the massey heaven That explains the cab on top! I hope the driver wasn't injured but hey took the slogan from massey ferguson back on top to serieusly!
  8. looks good mate nice to see a same sometime
  9. thanx mate's for the compliments it is the first time i sprayed the paint in sted of using a paintbrush
  10. ive seen two tractors of this type but i didnt look to good to them next time i will make pics of them for you deere power
  11. nice convo deere power ive seen the real one in panningen last week nice job mate
  12. wel i thing the weater is to bad in holland now ive put the 690 in the shed! ;) But i think it was the fault off the combine driver sean
  13. today i have done allot on my MF690 now i need to order some parts and decals for the model before it is finishd
  14. i have picturse on my own computer at home of an 3650 made on the renault ares from UH when i get home i would personal mail them to you! Now i am by my girlfriend maybe they stand here also on the computer i shall look for you.
  15. well i tell you mate it is a nice job youre doing whit this one! Now i am only making MF's but maye in the futere i will try to make something else Like ford/fiat/john deere. But first learn everything to build and make models.And models that i drove by my uncle's that have a special place in my hart like an MF3080 when i was 12 ive learned to drive a tractor whit this type!
  16. it is not presisly straight but it is my first self made cab and rear fenders so i think it isn't that bad afterall!
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