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Johny mf

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Posts posted by Johny mf

  1. did something on these 2 today!

    Cutted out the sides off the bonnets and did some work on one chassis!

    The bonnet will be lowerd a litle bit more then it now is

    Also lowerd the cab whit the rear fenders

    If you look at these pictures you will say that is must be lowerd more!

    BUT he pics where taking me siting on the gound whit the camera a litle lower then the table!

    The rear fenders have now 3mm clearence above the wheels!



  2. Now i need to get in touch whit martin Again Marky for Zwolle next year!

    A litle count up what i want to order by Martin



    MF1080 4wd

    MF1080 Cabbed version

    Think i am going to start a piggy bank for next year Zwolle! ;D:D

    He promised the 165 for nextyear Zwolle

    But i think i am going to send him an Email for the oder models!

  3.   Looking good so far Johny, you also need to get rid of the diesel tank and build a new one behind the cab for a 8100 Massey.

    Where thinking the same Allis

    its just a start what ive done on the models so


    Here is a list off plans what i am going to do!

    Loose the siku front hitch and replace that one by a UH Atles hitch (already orderd!)

    Cut off the tank from the chassis and make a new one on the back off the cab!

    Customize the interior!(thinking off using the 8280 interior!)

    Maybe chaince the tyres whit UH Atles wheel (not shure iff that works!)

    Make the bonnet from plastic plate

    Adjust the chassis

    And want to chainse the stairs because the Britains MF6290 stairs are to small!

    That would be the plan in headlines! 

  4. bonnet looks great now, can you drop the cab a tad as the gap between the wheel and rear mudguards looks big :-\  the model is great, the second bonnet you did could make a 8220 xtra ;)

    where thinking the same about the cab!

    Started it today so must do alot off work on these two!

    Tomorow i won't be abel to do something about it because its my BIRTHDAY ;D

    But when i have the time i'll be working on these 2 and ofcourse my schl?ters!

    But the cab and rear fenders will be LOWERD! ;)

    (and about the second bonnet i just trowed that away :-[:-X)

  5. try that first mate, the origoanl looks right bar the height, the actual size may well be right, just drop it down the chassis slightly

    think i would do that sean

    I remember that they where al saying something the same whit my MF7495 But when it where finished (lowerd the bonnet on the chassis)

    they all sayd  :o :o :o :o This one looks great/perfect!

    Could be the same whit this project ???

    And iff i look at the Photo's of MF6265 the bonnet asks to be lowerd compared to the frontwheels and compared to the cab!

  6. I just made the paper pathern  for the bonnet

    I always do that because i can look how it looks like when i make the side off the bonnet from plastic

    By doing this i can ajust it (the look/shape off the bonnet!)whitout trowing away the expensive plastic plate i use for my bonnets!

    This is the look of the model whit the paper bonnet!

    So what do you think is this the wright shape for this type off tractor ???



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