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Johny mf

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Posts posted by Johny mf

  1. Trow yore daugther in the loft and put the models on shelf's inn there old rooms ( :P;) Just joking)

    Waht a shame to put those models in the loft :'(

    They need to be seen not to be put away in the dark! :'(

    Iff you want you can stall these models at my shelfs! ;D;)

  2. When i where younger i had a Renault tractor

    Whe still got it and it stands know on tha atic of the garage!

    It needs new wheels because i drove it to much!

    And the wheels know have big wholes in it (they are made off plastic!)

    I aksed my dad why i got a renault when i where younger and not a massey!

    He said to me that my uncle had a Big renault dealership about 19years ago that's why i got the renault!

  3. This was a beauty

    Photo's 9 and 10

    The guy who made it live's in the same vilage as me!

    His name is Hugo Hoeks and Live's inn Bergeijk

    And he made also another Dewulf model!

    Iff i speak him soon i will mention this forum to him iff he want to show his models here!

    He where the inspiration for me to begin whit making models for me A couple off years ago i met him at his place and i went home whit a lot off idea's but didnt had the time at that moment (because off school >:( )

  4. Here i an update off my Other schl?ter i am making at the moment

    Added some details on the cab:warning light,mirors and handbars.

    Also finished the dash and the chair! and mounted a steering wheel

    Now i only must atach the exhaust to the chassis and glue the chair in the cab!

    And off course put on the decals (must contact a friend off me to copy the decals from the super trac and adjust them for this one!)



  5. Thanks Massey Boy!

    I wont forget it Mate! (to make massey's)

    Massey's are my one first love that alway's will be!

    Just wanted the Bigger Schl?ter models in my collection (but i can't afford them to buy them by tyro toy's! :-[ )

    Want to make 2 Schl?ters more

    And also planning 2massey's (one for my self and one for sombody else here on the forum,if he reads this he know's wich type massey i mean! ;) )

  6. Johny,

    Please carry on posting updates on these.

    Maybe not a common choice in UK, but I still enjoy watching your creations unfold and would like to see this when its finished :)


    Thanks Brian

    I tought know one liket it! :'(

    Started also this evening to put on the mirors and details (handbars)

    What a F***** JOB!

    All this smale wire bending and drilling whit 0,7mm! >:(

    But it looks awsome on the model! ;D

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