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Everything posted by marshman

  1. happy birthday to you happy bday to you oh sod it Happy birthday
  2. Brillant pics, love the pea havesters stuck
  3. where i am they dont seam to grow grass for silage they just do maize wich is good but means i have to wait
  4. wow that is amazing :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
  5. sorry to here that Sue may i ask do they no what is wrong with stu Keep your chin up if you need somone to talk to just pm me probable wont be much help
  6. If the real ploughs were a flimsy as these then the ploughing would be all over the place \ \ \ Like Marky's : :D just worked it out your introuble blake
  7. What is the massey ferguson 35 industal like the 1/16th one limted to 1500 if im right because i have seen one at £35.00 but the box is a bit shelf worn but not bad what do you recon \ \ \ \ \
  8. what about luke He is going through a really bad time too :'( not saying sues isnt just as bad keep your chin up both of you
  9. why just because you spell somthing wrong doesnt mean he gets a numpty :
  10. Very nice markey verrry very nice but i have to ask, why because if its going to be used on a rubbish bailer ( i dont mean it is a rubbish bailer ) wouldnt an older one do? Also if its only going to sit on that why 4wd ? I think the bailer was just an exscuse to buy a new tractor Really though a lovely tractor
  11. sorry to hear that mate, hope she gets well soon, do they no whats wrong with her? Keep your chin up im sure she will be ok
  12. where can you get dealer boxed lanidnis as the dealer near me doesnt have any and said he cant get any he asnt sold out because he never got them in
  13. brillant pics of brillant models of brillant tractors What wheels and tyres are the 6930s off of
  14. hope you dont mind me asking but where do you get all your modles at a cheap enough price so you can rip them apart and but lots at onece
  15. oh im not to sure i like nh so im not saying if for that reason but when the tracs are seized they take a lot of pulling
  16. how hard is it to put a siku linkage on the back of a quadtrac as i have only done case pumas oh and mr luckysodbeingabletodothemconvssowell marshell they look brillant
  17. okay thanks good job andy well done for getting on the new serve thingy
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