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nothing runs like a ****

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Posts posted by nothing runs like a ****

  1. Nice new additions to the fleet, one of them herbst lowloader in tri-axel would suit that big Newholland a bit better, how ever it does suit that one fine. Good work has went into them Kane dumptrailers, looks well behind that Fait, them Faits are growing on me so they are

  2. Just sitting looking back on the week so far .

    Monday:- Put the teleporter on its side into the ditch.

    Tuesday:- Got completely bogged in about for times in the Jd 6410 (not enough HP)

    Wednesday:- Done 3 load all day was completely bored stiff sat for 1hr 30 mins waiting on a load.

    Thurday:- Every time i went to tip the dumptrailer the hose kept flying out of the spool valve

    Things have to get better hopefully :-\

  3. Dad does not really have much work on, so i thought i would go and see if i could get a job on the local farms just over the summer and when i am on study leave. Asked 3 local ones and not one is looking anyone to help milking or silage time :'( but they all said that they will let me know if they or anyone is looking help :-\ with a bit of luck i will hopefully be working by the summer.

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