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Everything posted by Rhysmassey135

  1. Some pics of the massey stuck, same one's as are in the other topic, but here they are anyway
  2. Just found some more pictures , just after topping, the skids bent, and the bolts were rusted so before she went off the the mechanics, i had to grind the skid bolts off, here are the pictures
  3. Nice pics Stephen that Massey is one of the tidiest iv seen
  4. Next, had to go to my cousins farm and help them out, i was scraping out with leyland 272 and feeding with TL90 and loader, and did a bit of straw chopping with their non loader TL 90 , would get some outside shots but it was to dark and i had no time , first pic, Grabbing silage and second pic, giving the cows some fodderbeet.
  5. The next few pictures are more recent , had this fallen tree to cut up and log in this guy's garden, pic of the trailer and my brother Aled
  6. Picture of the very cold start and me stood on our frozen pond, its about 12ft deep underneath the ice , that last pic is so cr@p because i got hydrolic oil on my phone
  7. Some pics i found of topping, taken with my phone though
  8. Wound my brother up this morning, he ran after me, kicked the chair his toe is all swollen and bruised :D
  9. Great pics mate big loading shovel at that quarry
  10. Some great pics there Murray mate
  11. School, then went to my cousins farm to give them a hand scraping and feeding as one of them was away
  12. NH TL90 with loader NH TL90 without loader Leyland 272 scraping
  13. Grabbing silage and a fuse went on my cousins new (52 plate) TL90 shuttle wouldnt work, so couldnt move, had to nick a 10 amp from the land rover
  14. What made me laugh that my cousin is going out with the schools new music teacher, and she teaches my brother its a small world...
  15. Ture , But theres like 0.5%, so i thought it would be just something to quench your 'thrist' :D
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