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Everything posted by Rhysmassey135

  1. cheers murray, got a 595 coming as well so il get pics when that arrives
  2. emo is the word for those painfully trendy teenage boys who dress a bit like girls
  3. This - ready for the vintage club in januray.. few things left yet.. stone efect on the yard and a tractor to go in the workshp and the tools
  4. good vid 5460 looks nice as well
  5. owch , i remember when our jack russell was a pup, his teeth and claws were like needles
  6. a pic i found of the 5000 and ifor williams box
  7. il second that and pics of your TL please
  8. i get loads of nosebleeds when i have a cold, not because i pick it , its the pressure in your head from the cold youv'e got i think
  9. i know your a mate and all adam... but i sense a numpty :D
  10. coming along nicely mate love that fencing especially
  11. cant blame you for not going back to school to fetch them... sorry we were going off topic , another thing that annoyed me today.. school run mum behind us this morning on the icy roads.. overtook us at 35 od, gave us a mouthful for doing 15mph.. if she had met a lorry or tractor, she and her 2 young kids would have been in a bad way... some people just dont understand \
  12. very cold and clear outside, should be an amazing moon tonight
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