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Everything posted by cyrilhanna

  1. well i do in my roofspace, about 15 years ago a bought a few here and there and it has just got two a stage there r getting far two dear, so im trying not til buy any more..
  2. well tractorbob ma dad had a small dairy farm about 40 acres and about 40 cows, as he was near 65 so he sold the quota and got out when the time was good, i done a trade at bodywork at cars and then about 8 years ago i started out on my own... so i was do anything that had a pound in it...so thats how i ended up doing tractors,i love them far better than cars so thats why i have a few big toys....my neighbours r dairy farmers so when i get time i give them a hand.......
  3. where i can i use the da, but the not so handy bits is all done by hand
  4. it is real good stuff what would i do with out it!!!! if its a good day i can do all my rubbing out side so not 2 bad that way...but after a days rubbing the skin on my fingers gets very thin.
  5. as you can see the bonnet is not that hot a lot of work getting it right... the mud guards needed fillers as they where very rippley......
  6. here is my latest job a 35 x some one had painter her so she looked not too bad but that just hid the rust....... here she is getting new bearings
  7. im not sure evenwhat that is... i use fillers then a high build primer that tis the trick for me......
  8. that is a very good point... never thought that would happen .til da day it would happen thanks for ur good tip.bc
  9. iv made a new air box and a bit of a clean up and iv just got my new stickers the other day so she is ready for a big strip down.....
  10. here wee have a 135 massey a great tractor...... some of her parts these wee tractors have a lot of parts til them so not as handy as some.........
  11. now for a wee grey..i had til get the back end of har sandblasted as it was very rusty.then i took the grinder til her, as u can see she has a nice shine after a lot of work. some of her parts in the oven.
  12. new perfomance major....this is her ready for a good rubing........ just started to build her back... ready for a test drive.....
  13. this 135 was nice to work at as there are not many like her about my way..but still a lot of work..on all the tractors that iv restored i will only use 2 pack paint as it will last and keep its shine....i had to buy the model 135 to work off as i could.t get any pictures on the net but she was pretty good shape before i started her.....
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