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Manor Farm

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Everything posted by Manor Farm

  1. what is the best to use for getting it of windows. Its on my scartch built model and a lot of work done so dont wont to get another cab \
  2. Did you get that from your dealer Mark Still waiting for mine to come in
  3. long time no update. Have been doing alot of slurry on farms as its the time of year. making sure tractor is ready for a long day
  4. is this out or do you pre order it http://chenedol-tractor.com/product.php?id_product=620
  5. Ill speek to Jordan wheather we could do say 8 scenes but i would do 4 and he would
  6. what would be a good ideal size for a scene \
  7. Finger crossed that i wont have to work that weekend. If i do go i cant wait for the show
  8. Good point Tris I will see what over people say before i make a start on anything
  9. I think you right Mark. Somethings i have i mind 1 do a muck spreading sceen 2 maize planting 3 cutting graas, raking, and picking up 4 combining 5 cutting maize 6 ploughing and drilling corn
  10. Should i do scenes all year round or October time
  11. Im going to do a dispaly at toytrac. And i was wondering whever to do sceences or a layout to display.
  12. Does any one no how to do cheap hedges or where to buy them
  13. toytrac because it was great to see are layout once we had taken it apart
  14. Just been looking at the model farmer magazine and i saw there was a show on. Does any one have any contact deatails \ May do a layout for the show \ Thanks Tim
  15. Im thinking of taking the mowers from the big m and use them for on the tractor. How do you take the mowers of and how do you put the sike apater on. Is it easy to do \ Thanks Tim
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