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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. maybe i should do some kids books & use my models for the pictures , i was getting into that at the end :D
  2. all finished & off to find the next field while tractor tom turns up to help JaCuB do a bit of clearing up , instead of swaning around doing story book stuff \
  3. not good news at all ,the forager driver has been waiting for old feller to turn up as he's just found out the 5455 has had a puncture , but will soon be fixed & will join them later so the 26 finishes the field with him meanwhile back at the pit JaCuB's still going like buggery :D
  4. ooh whats this , no sooner has one gone another turns up ! why the JCB driver hasn't even had time for a cup of tea ! so he waits for the next monster load to be tipped & cusses the driver on the CB to slow down a bit " it's not a ******G race " he tells him
  5. JaCuB makes light work of getting the stuff away to make room for the next load
  6. 82 entering the yard & finding it tight to get round the sharp left into the pit area, but winterhay farms only employ the best drivers & has no problem performong this manuver
  7. while the second 82 is loaded ,who should turn up ? the old man of the fleet puts in an apearance showing you don't need 4wd & a digital wireless to get the job done
  8. meanwhile out in the field 82 turning ready to join the jag soon as one 82 is loaded the other turns up just in time
  9. tipping using the class trailer bought from goodhead farm sales , the sides were badly fabricated in the the farms own workshop JaCuB takes over from the 42
  10. bringing in the load the 4260 purchased new from udimores dealership is still waiting for the glass doors to turn up , but has since been fitted with a loader & has made the start on the pit but will be replaced when the jcb turns up ( funnily enough all the masseys are being sold cheap at udi's , so go visit his shop for some good deals )
  11. had to cut down the ammount of pics in the silage comp but i'll post them all here 5455 mowing the evening before foraging, this is usually done by the 2640 but the 54 is new & needs to be beaten worked hard no rest for the new boy ,the 5455 is hauling trailers alongside the jag
  12. at work if yer interested i will do it for ?10 thats inc postage as well but i spose you'd rather have the grader
  13. pic 5) in situ it looks ok but if it were to be played with a small screw through the headstock wouldnt go amis pic 6) but for display or a diarama it's ok as it is however you can hold the buckrake up in the air it will hold the jcb firmly enough not to fall off
  14. pic 3) cliped to the headstock pic 4) small amount of swing ,but the mk 2 model doesn't have this much play
  15. here you go rich.new holland not really ben although the mk2 for deer-est is a bit better pic 1) JCB 141s headstock pic 2) single clip is the same length as the headstock
  16. smurf , you need to get out more :D
  17. i got it from the safety valves at work mate , but it's not that far of the mesh used for a kitchen sives or tea strainer .
  18. fine thanks , you ? i'll post another pic of deer-ests buckrake & you'll see the clip that holds it onto the cross piece for the jcb's bucket aparently not , talking to a friend at grassland, the days of very short silage from foragers is changing to a longer cut of grass due to cow stomaches knotting up due to the muscle trying to move it along the digestive system. This & maize are the bigest culprit to 'gut knotting' , blades are being either removed or the distance between blades & shearbar is being increased. The longer grass will effectively 'slide' along the digestive tract with the muscles as aposed to the shorter grass being rolled / pushed along which tends to build up into a ball of feed thus 'knotting' the cows intestines , which if not sorted quicky can kill the cow , if quick enough the vet makes an insision & has to literally untangle knot \
  19. were the white tops badged as NH then ? very nice all the same :)
  20. that twice you posted those pics mark ? if you got the corrugated sheets , i don't recon the old landrover blue would be far off the mark please ask farmer to put the gun down & step away from the building \
  21. how many would you have if you put them back together again mate :D at the last count i had approx 80 tractors , then i joined the forum & now i hate to guess \
  22. looking good so far , steel sheet cladding or brick / stone built ? bit nervous that farmer is he ? owe people money does he ? got a wife to die for has he ?
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