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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. i don't have a problem with the hitch on mine, not now i filed that bloody stupid ring off !
  2. got any better pics of the spud harvesters ?
  3. surprised to see a few blues in there NH2
  4. MJB1


    why have you put *$?^ in the word fired ? :D :D my grandad used to say 'if it can't be done with a 2wd you've no business doing it at all !' to a degree, it's a point you can't argue with \
  5. MJB1


    sorry ade just got to use your first pic
  6. MJB1


    when i used to drive fords i used to wear sunglasses....................... not to look cool.................................................................... just so nobody recognised me :D
  7. MJB1


    nice kit ade nice to see some decent stuff,but alas you're right fendt takes some beating although all the deeres i've driven none have let me down.
  8. yep quicker than a smelly ole catfish up shatjacksons creek ,yee ha \
  9. sh!t ,& i've only just mastered capitals? \ CAPITALS? capitals? capitals CAPITALS
  10. yeah , when the pits were full the job was a doddle as it was just thick liquidblood, thats why the initial trials went well,it was when the pits were half empty that the offal started to get sucked onboard that the trouble started
  11. (Dawes) the firm i worked for was asked by CSG if we could inject slaughter house waste (blood & gut contents),so i tried it & initialy it went ok. But as the pits went down i started having trouble with offal blocking the injection pipes,so much so i could fill a bin bag up every day. it got to the stage where i was turning it away & throwing no end of F**ks into the reps, then i heard that a rep from CSG was comnig to see what the fuss was all about, as he turned up i was unblocking the pipes & started on me by saying that maybe i wasn't operating the machine properly ! thats when i started throwing my toys around along with a bit of colourfull language & a handfull of intestines straight at the clean suited gent . when i got home to the yard later that night ,there were a lot of posh cars & men in suits creating merry hell in the office, needless to say the outcome was that i had thrown a large ammount of offal at CSG's 'south west & middlands region head of waste disposal' & was banned from every CSG site in the country. spent the next day driving my tractor back to Frome to haul dairy waste out of staplemead dairy . \ :D
  12. makes a difference to see familliar faces in different colours
  13. yeah i've seen the jcb's about, few months ago now mind \
  14. yeah, the back of those shed would be worth a fortune :D
  15. an unfortunate case of mistaken identity perhaps but one can only act on the information as presented \ powerstar i retract any comment i made on the subject , but maybe HE didn't want to be identified after 'fluffing' HIS first post :D
  16. still a good layout to see :)
  17. nice name for a girl that, Mmmmm.... case i like it
  18. well we did give HER (not him powerstar!) a bit of ribbing on her first post \ least she's got the hang of posting pics now? well done? Case JX95 & welcome to the forum? :) do enjoy your stay with us, as it's like the HOTEL CALIFORNIA.......'you can check out any time you like ,but you can never leave' :D :D :D (the eagles ),a target reference for fenryk, kentman & rick, & all us other near oldies!! :D)
  19. no not me ! i meant you ? blimey, after what i did their to head of field opperations at tewksbury i was banned from every CSG site in the country \ :D
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