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james f

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Posts posted by james f

  1. Going off topic - the funniest "tractor" I ever saw drawing sugar beet was a tractor unit (truck - poss bonneted Mercedes) with an MF1200 bonnet, cab and badging with a fifth wheel hitched to a 40ft trailer. I assume, but don't know for sure, that it was taxed as an agri tractor, not a truck. It looks well cool though!

    Hey Stan what a coincidence, my parents are really friendly with the people who own that, in fact they have two! They live up in Laois and used to draw the beet straight into the factory with them using extended cut down council lorries (theyre great men for the cut down lorries!). The '1200s' are indeed based on truck units with the massey tinwork stuck on top. They still have the truck gear lever sticking up through the floor!! They even still have the air brakes and can do the same speed as the original truck.

      We went to see them after Fingal during the summer, and I got a few pics so I will try to get them up next week. The guy was saying that the only reason they got away with them taxed as tractors is because they never did hire work, only their own haulage, so the local guards and hauliers turned a blind eye. They still use them for the beet and towing a low loader with a digger ;)


  2. If the 1884 were to be re-released & look genuine then apart from being blue the cab roof would also have to be changed for a bubble cab type as ive never seen a real SQ cabbed roof version .

    There is one, the last one. It was made for British Steel. Later it was kitted out for forestry work by Wilsons

    There is also another one that has had its cab changed for a super-Q. I think the Q looks better though

  3. Sorry to dig up this post again but ploughmaster says that everyone who bought a Ford in 1989 was given an exact replica of their tractor. Personally I dont think this is exactly accurate as any of these models that I have seen have been of a super-Q tractor of approximately '4 cylinder' dimensions. I have never seen any AP cabbed ones or small ones like 3610s and the like. I reckon myself that all the models were the same except for the unique registration number engraved on each. Anyone else have any more thoughts?


  4. surprised that none of the field was subsoiled before this next time i see the farmer i'll ask why

    When you plough on-land you dont cause as much compaction as when the wheels are in the furrow bottom. Maybe thats why it wasnt subsoiled.


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