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Posts posted by AlexMF

  1. thanks for the support guys,

    and we've got some better news recieved as of 8 pm tonight, dad has got cancer but the doctors say it's isn't life threatening and he will win the fight  ???  :of;D

    never ever has the family been so relieved  ;D

    also dads booked a week away in the french alps next week skiing  :D  (5th of Feb)

    so this year should be a more positive year even though we had the devastating news but knowing that he will be fine is the best news ever to hear ;D

    best thing i've heard all day! very happy for you, your dad and your family!!

  2. Count yourself lucky, Alex. I had it in the fourth year of comprehensive school, my scalp had a full blown crop rotation for two years!!

    Docs guessed it was delayed reaction from Dad cracking three vertibrate and spending three months in traction over Christmas of '91/'92.  :-[

    thanks trissle, i'm really hoping it just stays on my legs and doesn't go to my scalp... shorts in the summer might be a bit larey though!

    That's a terrible thing to have to do Mike... so sad... make you wonder what life is all about at times when you hear sorry tales like this  :'( ... as Tris so rightly said... hold on to all the good memories you have of your friendship.

    And as for you young Alex... I suspect exams are probably to blame for your current hair-loss... Dr Marky says things should clear up nicely when the exams are over... take a 'chil pill'... 'chill-ax' and all those other modern words.. it's so easy to say that.. but so hard to do I am sure.

    I've written you as prescription for 10 pints of lager... followed by a kebab and a scrap with a little bloke.. to be taken twice weekly... and at weekends only - DO mix with alcohol and never drink on an empty stomach - use beer responsibly... NEVER drink and drive.. may contain traces of nuts... OK... I'll shut up now.. just trying to cheer you up and take your mind off... well... you know  :-[

    thanks Marky, yeh i'd say it was exams my grandpa being in hospital and my grandma having alzheimer's which is stressing me out so much! panic not i'll be back on the booze from monday haha

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