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Posts posted by AlexMF

  1. next door but one have decided to try and rival bernard matthews by building a  huuuuge chicken coop, whether they forgot to clip the flight feathers or just didn't know chicken's could clear 6 foot fences i'm unsure, but either way the chickens had emulated Chicken Run and ended up in our garden... so i've just been round (with 3 chickens in a dog cage) to ask if they want their chickens back!  they were lucky Roxy wasn't in the garden at the time, (she was actually bouncing headfirst off the french door trying to get out.) I just hope they don't have a rooster that crows and wakes me up...

  2. i'd have to disagree on the army trousers, the belt loops have all broken off and the fly zip doesn't stay up anymore, (awfully embarassing when i picked my sister up from school  :-[)

    up to my eyes in revision at the moment, but hoping tomorrow or friday may be a shopping day! got a month, but need to get these boots worn in!

  3. Sorry if this is in the wrong section  :-[!

    I need some advice; for my job this summer I need some, affordable & durable steel toe ankle boots, (I've worn my previous pair of steel toes- made by grafters- out after 4 years, getting smelly, and sole is wearing thin, after i used them to put out a camp fire gone wrong..).

    I need to be able to stand for 10 hours a day 6 days a week in them in saw mills and timber warehouses, (I don't want blisters or sweaty feet! leather vs fabric?), steel in the toes (falling timber) and sole (nails on the floor) would be ideal, as would some sort of shin protection, (rigger boots?). here's the catch I would need to be able to jump in the van and drive in them...

    Could do with some hard wearing and comfy trousers too... kneepads, lots of pockets?

    any advice appreciated... I've heard good things about Dickies, and my previous Grafter boots were both comfy and safe, but no shin protection, I could also drive in them.



  4. went to see grandma in hospital, within 2 minutes of my arrival every other person in her ward who was conscious told me all she did was sleep, (much like all she does when she's at home then!) dropped some things off and left her to recouperate from her hip operation.

    went home and stepped into my role as master carpenter on my parents kitchen, oh if my wood work teacher could see me now....

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