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Everything posted by AlexMF

  1. you wouldn't be advocating drink driving now would you marky? Don't make me tell Mrs F about your latest plans to spend loads of money on a whim! i mean become a farmer! I've sort of given up thank you very much! didn't even ask for a sleeve from duty free! so that's who that little man was running around at my feet...? i thought it was Dobby the house elf, from harry potter, asked for his autograph and all he said was "pwwwttthhhhhhhh" them shoes are not velcro!...they're slip ons :'( . i think you are using the word "gents" rather loosely there Trissle... also re the Cot comment, we both know you're the only one short enough to fit into one of those! or did you forget to take your platform shoes off?! oh and about the blanket, you promised you wouldn't tell anyone! wouldn't be so funny if i told everyone you listened to the harry potter audio tapes as narrated by steven fry to fall asleep to, would it trissle? forgive me, my fingers slipped on my keyboard... only took me an afternoon nap and a jar of cow and gate babyfood to reply.... hope it meets expectations!
  2. cheers guys. feeling the love! it's testament to how tired i am that i am unable to think of something funny to say in reply....
  3. trying to stay awake, after yesterdays 20 hours of constant manic activity, (coming straight off the back of 3 weeks of partying)
  4. leaving one of my friend at terminal 3 of manchester airport, so she can fly home to Canada to spend Christmas with her family. walking away was one of the hardest thing's i've had to do in a long time...
  5. tomorrow: give a 30minute presentation, do some christmas shopping, try not to fall asleep in my lecture, celebratory pint at the pub, go and watch my friend play the nurse in Medea (by euripides!), drive my friend to the airport for 3am, (so she can return to canada, eh?) if i manage all that without forgetting to do any of it i'll be happy! (as will the canadian i would imagine)
  6. sense of humour eh? well you've come to the right place!
  7. my grandma has Alzheimer's, so i can fully empathise with you David, my best wishes to you and your family. Gav and Steve, awful time of year for this sort of thing... chin up! John, I'm truly sorry for your loss...
  8. so, i've been sober since Wednesday, in an attempt to clean up my life (after a 3 week binge) today I am going on a tour of Cains Brewery in Liverpool. Anyone else see where this is going? I think I just tripped over the wagon.
  9. tris, awful news mate... :'( i'm here for you if you need to talk/ take the proverbial out of someone....
  10. you did the right thing Sue, so sorry for your loss, but at least all the memories are good ones!
  11. some pillock in a 60plate audi a5, white car, pea soup of a fog on, hooning past everyone at like 90mph on the m6 without any lights on?! what did this ****wit do to deserve a job which lets him buy that car, and drive it that badly?!
  12. something to do with lowering the temperature of the soil too much? mind you i'm only a townie pretending to know what he's talking about...
  13. parents came up for my birthday, and spent the day taking the mickey at how gormless i looked. i had to explain i've not slept since thursday!
  14. cheers guys, i've not slept since thursday.... i think i'm going to have some form of breakdown now.
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