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Everything posted by AlexMF

  1. marky, we've given up. as for my latest brochure, MF302 off pete132! will post pics upon arrival.
  2. off to a peaceful protest in liverpool today against the rise in tuition fees and cuts in higher education. (mostly because it means i get to miss lectures! )
  3. you know what they say about Audi drivers being impatient ****s! don't even talk to me about Citroen drivers........ oh wait!
  4. have a safe trip and a good weekend everyone! speak to you all on monday
  5. i'll be like 45mins away in amsterdam from friday to sunday....not looking at model tractors. but feel free to pop over! marky/trissle have my mobile number
  6. i've got those disks CMB, only bought them because they're red!
  7. Gav's a right geek though! for me, on an equally geeky note, i've just submitted 5,500 words worth of essays!
  8. my Levi boots ate my feet. 1 HUGE blister and 1 HUGE blood blister... never mind said I, whipped out the old Opinel #9, blister is gone, blood blister, not, and still REALLY ****ing painful.
  9. to describe God as omnipotent, is to give god the attribute of being all powerful, ie, able to cause the universe to exist from nothing, to sustain it and to act as the ruler of its morality. to procrastinate is to do anything in an excuse not to do any work. for example rather than writing my essay i was checking posts on here!
  10. glad you had fun Paul. as for me, crack out 1500words on ‘God cannot be omnipotent because he cannot sin.’ Discuss. then drive back to Liverpool tonight. I'm currently on 1200 words and my second coffee of the day. Yes I'm procrastinating, but I'm procrastinating really fast. best, SpeedyGoonzales
  11. buy a lorry, I hear they're pretty rapid! just ask my good friend Tris, last seen cameoing in Hobbit and the Bandit...
  12. spending the weekend at home! not seen the family in 2 months this is brilliant, its warm here and not in a city, and i dont have to cook or clean. in fact, i don't want to go back to liverpool tomorrow night! :'(
  13. its blowing a freaking gale in liverpool. just heard something heavy bounce off the c2, :'(
  14. ive taken refuge on my 3 seater leather sofa. was trying to encourage a canadian (exchange student) girl to join me, but she was unimpressed at the notion of getting from hers to mine! b****ry EDIT: just heard something heavy bounce off the c2. i'm going to ignore that until the morning....
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