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Everything posted by AlexMF

  1. you should do like marky and i, and stop smoking. failing that honey and lemon in hot water, get well soon!
  2. welcome to the forum! i was in amsterdam.....enjoying myself drinking coffee and chocolate milk.....while the ugly ones were in zwolle!
  3. so sorry to hear that David, my sincerest condolences and best wishes to you and the family at this difficult time...
  4. that's awful mate, i am more or less convinced that grandpa will fall over and actually damage himself in a similar way at some point... my best wishes to Nana, Tris..
  5. cheers marky, just had to pick him up off the floor again. he's off to hospital now...
  6. effectively, my grandpa is supposed to look after my grandma who has alzheimer's (carers come 2x a day). it's getting to the point where they'll have to go into a nursing home though, he is however too stubborn and will probably continue like this until...well you get the point. between them they're breaking my heart. they have more or less bankrolled me for the last 20 years and now i can't do anything to help them... :'(
  7. just had to go and pick my 89year old grandpa off the floor, he collapsed trying to go to the bathroom....he's got norovirus as of 3am! that was rather traumatic..... beginning of the end? quite possibly... \ now sipping Justerini & Brooks Special Reserve Cognac, only £300 a bottle... dad's going to go spare!
  8. my 89 year old grandpa has the norovirus vomiting bug thing. i believe he caught it from the carers who come in 2x a day to see my grandma, (who has alzheimer's). people who are supposed to provide "care" spreading viruses around the town. considering how much they cost i am fuming. get well soon grandpa.
  9. happy birthday Rob! and Barry's mum i guess! hope you both have a good day and a better evening!
  10. washed the car today, slightly less annoyed by it now it's looking pretty again! came across this photo too, think it's back in my good books!
  11. i've heard rumour (small town eh?) it was suicide, on the aptly named "butthole lane" nice of her to think of her kids \ not really my place to judge though, i've offered my condolences. everyone's in shock \
  12. haha i'm hiding 5 alloy wheels with tyres and an entire spare engine for the c2 in my grandparents spare garage!
  13. a friend of a friends mother has been found dead on some wasteland 5minutes from my house...poor girl :'( \
  14. just your size of car eh tris? my first car was a 1396cc gti mpi metro, 110bhp.....rather unsafe in a crash though, and being 17 i was convinced that would be what happened! chopped it in for the c2. if my first car had been a mini i'd still be driving it, also unsafe in a crash, but much slower than the mighty 'tro! here i am 3 years on, 3 years no claims, no points (fingers crossed) and i'm hankering after something else! oh also today i've been polishing my CV & writing a covering letter for a 9-5 job i'm hoping to get for this summer...
  15. before i got heinously drunk on new years eve, i spent new years eve day replacing an inlet valve and rebuilding the head, as well as replacing the radiator and fan on a friends A series mini, went back today did an oil and filter change then adjusted the seat bracket so i could get my knees under the wheel! yearly service on a toyota Rav 4 and one on a fiesta, then went for a pootle round the lanes in the mini, never has 60mph felt so fast! lands end to john o groats soon me thinks!
  16. hopefully it will turn out to be nothing, and your dad will make a full recovery! fingers crossed for you Mark, alex
  17. i need a new phone, not sure if i can justify £120 + £35/pcm for the iPhone though...
  18. woke up hungover, fully dressed, on the floor. it would appear that i had a good night last night! happy new years!
  19. parents kitchen: only half removed the old one, floor is supposed to be being laid next week, my mother is yet to decide what size/ type of stone tile she wants, yet to empty the remaining cupboards, dad and i haven't even started on the utility room or downstairs toilet (being redone in the same style at the same time), BUT my mother wants to go and look at under unit lighting this afternoon and drawer/cupboard handles, when the units aren't going in for 3 weeks... priorities? pwwwwtthhhhhh
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