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Everything posted by WillTEF20

  1. Got some second cut done a few weeks back, We had to get different contractors in this time due to the previous ones were busy and couldnt fit us in!! There 7920 tipping at the clamp TM155 pulling into the yard and our 6420s rolling the clamp 416 waiting for the 79 to pull away! 416 ready TM and 79 Getting a rake full!! Fully loaded Leveling 416 64 and 416 79 pulling away waiting for the neighbours McMormick to pass 79 stuck behind next door Lowers fleet Our new contractors who will be doing all our contract work from now on, Kings fleet Comments really appriceated ;D
  2. Made for square but you can get a round adaption kit for them
  3. Day 2!! Got the draw bar and oil residwire done today! And started making the pick up Pick up parts Comments welcome
  4. I hope she looks alright!! She will go begind the TM or i'll have to invest in a wiking 6930 then it will be the same out fit as our old contractor used to use!! ;D
  5. Its taken me since half ten this morning to get this far!! But had to stop to look after my sister and i kept on gettin gcramp in my fingers!! There is quite a few down near me....i think a model one would be great!
  6. Been building this today ;D Its taken me most of the day!! Can you guess what it is??? All the parts....so far!! In its working position minus drawbar!!
  7. I cant get it to hook on anything apart from the britains 7920/30!!
  8. This one is painted black with red tines, im making another for a friend in the same colour, after ive done that i will have a crack at a Grays one!!!
  9. Its not based on anything, just made it up as i went along!! Any suggestions would be great
  10. You can make loads of buckrakes with that!!!! ;D
  11. Made this today, paint drying at the moment so more pics in the morning Comments realy appriceated ;D
  12. Some updates to the yard...... Grain store and straw barn Clamp Comments welcome
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