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Posts posted by jdc

  1. Wild oats can be controlled in barley and wheat - it's easier and cheaper in wheat. Rogueing is OK for low populations, but if you are doing less than 2 acres/hr spraying is more cost effective. Rogueing large populations destroys a lot of crop and is never 100%.

    To get on top of wild oats you need to kill more than 95% every year for about 10 years. The newer 'oaticides' are targeted at blackgrass but do an excellent (100%) job on WO if applied at the right time/weather conditions. Post emergence herbicides like IPU (banned now) are good at reducing the population to spray in spring.

    Min till gets rid of the seeds in the top few inches eventually, but if you plough, the dormant ones from deep down will appear.

    I took on some land 20 years ago and it had a big WO infestation, but is now easily rogueable after about 15 years of spraying, but there are always a few.  :(

  2. One video for you from today, should start drilling the spring barley tomorrow so will try to get some pictures for you all :)

    Blimey, that must be dry! There's still guys up here sort of ploughing with 2 furrows taken off.  :o

  3. Surely dividing a dimension by 32 on a bog standard steam powered calculator is still the easiest way of converting something from 1:1 into 1:32 ???  ::):D

    Yes, but.....if you pick up the ruler length with dividers on the pic, you can then measure all the bits you forgot to measure when you were at the machine. e.g. 3.5 steps of dividers = 35mm to cut.  :D

  4. Just a wee tip I found useful - when taking pics of a full size machine take an old fashioned 12" ruler and lay it so that it appears in each pic. The total length is roughly 320mm which scales to 10mm. Unless your camera lens is really wide or narrow this gives pretty good accuracy and saves some conversion.  ;)

  5. Never broken a KV share and mine gets dropped on the concrete occasionally.  :-[ But I do put a rail under the share and landslide when it'll sit for a long time.  Mine's auto reset so there's give in the legs, too.

    The broken share looks like it's wearing thinner near the bolthole  ???  Are they genuine KV?

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