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Posts posted by richo

  1. Not today but earlier in the week. was driving a road sweeper. the job was for a council to clear up leaves from cycle paths. Leaves were too thick in places so was told to get out and use a leaf blower to blow them off the path onto the verge etc!! The paths looked nice and clean when i'd done, probably only untill the wind blew again!!! Councils for you though!

  2. Two things today, the mess my hair was in after getting expanding foam in it! >:(

    Was using it to seal the gap round the piece of wood that i had fixed in the chimney to stop the draught as the fireplace is never used. Water makes the foam set and white spirit had no effect, was not happy! luckily after 20 mins or so the stuff was hard and with some effort could be pulled out. An hour later after a lot of hair pulling i look normal again!

    The other thing is my finger nail hanginig on by a tiny peice of skin now after bashing it a couple of weeks ago!

  3. Bit different Richo, how would you harvest them then, by hand? And PJ ur a right old housewife you are mate, kids parties, shopping, school run. . . Proper modern man mate. ;-)

    Just in case anyone is really interested in lavender... :D :D

    As i opened the gate to the lavender field i remember seeing a large banner advertising it.

    Try this link  http://mayfieldlavender.com/englishlavender.aspx

  4. Bit different Richo, how would you harvest them then, by hand? And PJ ur a right old housewife you are mate, kids parties, shopping, school run. . . Proper modern man mate. ;-)

    Haven't seen the harvester working but the description i've been given is....

    A trailed machine behind a tractor which cuts the flowers off and blows them into a trailer. Not sure how it cuts them but it must be n shaped as it removes flowers from both sides and the top. The full trailer is then taken to a distillery where the oil is collected from the flowers. Oil must be valuable as there seems to be a huge cost in growing the stuff.

    It is organic so is planted in rows of black plastic to stop the weeds growing in the plants and the weeds and grass in between the rows has to be regularly cut, anothr tedious job. We dont have anything else to do with it apart from my original post. Hope you've now got just as good an idea about it as i do! :D :D

  5. Topping lavender bushes! The smell was making me feel rough by the end of the day!!

    10 acres of lavender was not harvested this year so the flowers needed to be cut off.

    driving slowly up the rows of lavender with the topper in the air continually adjusting the height so as to cut as many flower heads off without touching the plants.

    Slow, tedious and stinking! I get all the best jobs

  6. no worries mate if its ment to be black i can easliy do it, like i say can't really find any pics of the rear of a 3690,only the side ones i used, will have another hunt round

    marky, make sure you buy a 3690 brouchure when you go and get some more wont ya mate

    Yes the 3690 i used to drive had a black plastic fuel tank.

    The model is coming on really well, looks like you're getting the hang of casting things :) :)

  7. yeah mine has the older softer rubber tyres on front, well sorry civilpeks do

    i also have a new 3690 for me under construction inspired by the mouse mate, counter mate at the ocal fergy dealer i use, on huge front and rear tyres,looks mean with a lovley front hitch on

    will post some pics of the basic rolling chassis over the weekend

    Look forward to seeing it ;) ;)

  8. on the real life tractor they are charcole grey same as the chassie. i would paint them black to match the chassie, it a great convo 11/10, are you making any to sell? ive always wanted a 1/32 mf 3690, drove a few about on the road when i worked for a mf agent, a real beast but the best 3600 was the 3645, sounded great and lovely to drive :P

    Black it is then, thanks. :)

    Dont think i'll make another to sell as although i'm pleased with the overall result i wouldn't be happy paying money for it as my work isn't 100% perfect.

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