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Posts posted by richo

  1. That cut grass looks as smooth as a snooker table!!

    Cut by a Khun disc mower(8 discs), Normally does a nice tidy job. even when the grass is lying with the mower angled forward a little it cets pretty good.

    That cut grass looks as smooth as a snooker table!!

    Tractors are owned by two people who work together. JD and NH by one and MC and Fasttrac by the other.

  2. Have just about finished this one, wet weather is useful for something!

    Still want to add front pto and some painted brass tube with top flap for exhaust.

    Chassis from a Britains MF 6290 with rear wheels brought in a little and the center lugs cut out. This has already been done by Tractorman180 but i liked it so i coppied it. Thanks for the ide TM180.

    The cab and floorpan came from an Ertl MF 3050 ?4.50 as couldnt find a ros version for a sensible price. The cab was glazed using the window from the UH box.

    Front linkage, dash, steering wheel, Throttle pedal and seat from a UH Deutz. I removed the joystick armrest and attached a normal arm rest made from plastic to match the left one.

    Am pleased withe the overall result.


  3. We still use two of these for hay and straw, is ideal as the farms/ stables we bale for have their own loader and helpers in the yard so we can bale and cart 3000+ bales in a day without touching them. (except for the odd badly built stack which gets knocked over ;D)

    Our two 56 grabs have one T shaped spike on the bottom which goes in the middle of the bottom bales, you do have to be careful to back into the stacks squarly otherwise the spike will push a bottom bale out and then either demolish stack or you will pick it up ok and the first you know about it is when the stack falls over in the yard when is put down?

    Then on the way back to the feild you can pick up the bales thet you dropped on the road  ;D ;D!

    Will try to get some pics when we next use them.

  4. Wdnesday went out with the tedder but didnt have camera with me, will get some pics another day. Its a four rotor krone model, great in the field but have to be careful on the road as a lot of places we go are busy and there is not much room!

    Thursday morning out with the rake then stacking bales.

    Friday bale carting, was a long trip about 55mins one way.

    Remembered camera today so here are som pictures hope you dont get bored!


  5. yeah i know the area, had a few pylon surveys down there the other week

    The have re-furb. a lot of the lines up my way, takes a while. Looks like they only did one side of the power lines though :-\

    Did you do the surveys and what did it entail?

    Only ask because i saw a drilling rig next to one of the pylons the other week.

  6. Why did the farmmodels blue McCormick not have a loader? I thought all the real ones did and BBPNL don't even have a 175

    Think they were all supplied with a winch as well.

    nice pics Richo  :) :) :)

    whereabouts is the work going on ???

    In surrey, The power line runs from Chessington, through Esher and onto Weybridge.

    As well as replacing the cables the are also doing the insulators and painting the pylons.

    Will try and get some more photos when they start pulling the cables.

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