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Posts posted by Gav836

  1. never seen that before? ??? see a good few pumas arround and none have that on them? must be a optional extra rather than standard, dont think gavs has it either does it??

    Mine does have the mounting bar in it Sean, its one thing I insisted on as it looks much neater than something I could knock up in the workshop given the angles of the cab pillar mounting holes

  2. Definately me, I spent the days swapping between baler and combine as the boss had to go do other things some of the time. No one else knows how to use the baler at present either

  3. We did think that we may go here this afternoon on the spring barley but it was 21% at 1pm and still 21% at 4pm despite there being a good wind and sunshine, I thought that he was being hopefull after it rained yesterday morning ;D

  4. After the rain we cleared one of the fields of bales ready to plough for forage rape, we normally wouldn't plough for this but there is a herbicide residue on the field that would have wiped the seedlings out had we min tilled it. All was going well until I turned into the last furrow on the field and heard a very loud hiss from the front of the tractor......


    The offending flint >:(


    Tyre now has a gator over the slash and a tube in it, once we have the row crops on we will be sending it away for a manufacturers repair

  5. Time for a few updates, I've taken a few pictures from harvest so far and also got one of our students to take a few for me while I've been on the combine or baler (one of the few harvest tasks he can do without raising my blood pressure ::):-\ ). All of our winter barley has been in the store for two weeks and I put all the rape in the barn last weekend after pulling a 10.30pm and 11.30pm finish last Saturday and Sunday which surprised the boss, 40 acres in 11hrs with our combine isn't bad going especially without a rape extension hence why the stubble is so tall. We started the wheat on Monday as the spring barley wasn't ready and had got the best part of 100 acres in the barn by wednesday afternoon when it rained despite the combine trying to eat one of its own cross shaker tines Monday evening and a field fire on Tuesday evening.

    Heres a few from cutting and baling a 66 acre field of wheat, well was 61 acres after Tuesday's incident ;D







  6. That field will be drilled by Monday lunchtime if it all goes to plan, should get the fodder rape off to a good start.

    They haven't been round yet as in his words the other week "We'll give you four weeks notice as that should give you time to get it tidy"  >:( >:(::)

  7. We started cutting our winter barley yesterday afternoon, 22 acres done and baled by 8pm but then had some showers overnight and no real dry out today so this morning I cleared the bales to the edge of the field then cultivated the field this afternoon ready to drill the forage rape on Monday.

    A few pictures from this afternoon



    The readout from the tractors computer after I finished the field showing area worked, distance travelled, average fuel per ha and per hour and total fuel used


  8. The reaction of one our students (also the owners son) to a practical joke at work today ;D ;D ;D ;D

    He made the mistake of revealing to me Monday that he doesn't like (read runs a mile) mice or rats while we were cleaning the grainstore so today myself and another student managed to dispatch one whilst loading the last of last years wheat out which was then rested on the steering wheel of a certain persons tractor he was using for topping so it was looking at him.......his reaction was better than expected ;D ;D ;D ;D

  9. I think its a 20' cut, there won't be much straw about this area this year after all the dry weather we had during the spring and early summer, that was his best field as well. Lexions do leave the straw in a tighter swath than many combines do as well so there does look to be less than there was in places on there

  10. Just a couple from the baler side of things......I'm in the dog house at the village pub at the minute as it bounced on the road outside covering several of the regulars with baley harns and pieces of straw last night :-[;D ;D

    control box


    The view from the seat, the Case dwarfs the baler unlike the JD used to, will get more pictures when we start gong again.


  11. As I mentioned elsewhere our neighbour started cutting his Flaggon winter barley yesterday, I've been dreading baling this after last year when it just shattered on contact with the baler but no such problems like that this year for me only with the net wrap thanks to my boss buying 4200m rolls that take two people to lift into the baler and the fact the net chamber is made for 3600m rolls at the most ::)

    On with the pictures......

    Lexion 440






  12. Two of our neighbours have both started cutting now, had to go baling for one of them Friday afternoon (just noticed its Saturday ;D ), the barley wasn't brilliant but it also wasn't as bad as he feared at about 7.5t/ha. Will post up a few pictures later on :)

  13. Because they are bolted sugarbeet plants so the genetic basics are the same as the sugarbeet crop in the field, the sprays that would kill the weed beet would also kill the sugarbeet hence the weed wiping with round up and a few passes with the tractor hoe early on

  14. Variable chamber Cerin.

    Today I got handed the most hated job on the farm as our self employed chap finished yesterdau to have a few days off before he starts harvest elsewhere.......weed wiping the weed beet, the boss hates it and I hate it as well. Its a slow and unrewarding job with no signs of you have done any good for around two weeks. A certain farm management company have a lot to answer for in years gone by for letting things get to infestation stage they are on the farm now. Steed for the day was the JD 6420s which has a knacked 3 point hitch rock shaft on it at present so I had to be careful if the tractor hit any bumps as the weedwiper had 8 inches plus of up and down travel at the boom tips ::)

    6420s and Edlington weedwiper



    The weed beet......theres some sugar beet plants in there as well!!!



  15. Looking like we'll be starting on the barley next week weather permitting, the rape was only sprayed off yesterday so be looking at about two weeks before thats ready to cut

  16. 8 hours pressure washing a D6 XW that came of a land fill site ,the smell is a tad on the strong side ,and there is 2 more due in next week :( :( :'(

    Not pleasant Paul, I spent a few days on a landfill site when I was self employed with a contractor digging in drainage pipes to take the liquid oozing out of the rotting garbage away, that was in a cell that had been capped several years ago, the smell was almost overpowering at 7am

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