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Posts posted by Gav836

  1. This is whats puzzling me as the owners have told me in the past that he does nothing but sing my praises to them as have a few other people he talks to, he rarely does it to my face though so I get the information via a third party. Plan A at the minute is to let him have his inspection so it backfires on him as there aren't any faults to find in here, its clean and in good decorative order, the garden can be sorted within an hour, just needs a lawn mower and some roundup. In the mean time other avenues are being looked into

  2. I had to turn the job down with the new Fendt due to the personal problems I've been having.

    This morning he's given me notice that he wants the landlords to inspect my house due to the fact that there are weeds growing on the outside of my garden wall (highways/council maintained area!!) and my front lawn hasn't been cut for two weeks, he intimated that my house may be a pigsty and extremely untidy, nothing could be further from the truth so he's really done it this time. I'm going to speak to my neighbour in a bit who also works for them and see if he had a similar phonecall about weeds and walls as his is the same but I suspect not. Yes theres the odd Springer hair or magazine laying on the table in my house but its a home not a show piece and I resent the fact he's trying to say otherwise >:(

  3. My bosses attitude towards me again!!!! I've been having some personal problems for the past few months and he already blurted them out in front of my three work colleagues a few weeks back, one of whom knew nothing about them. Ever since I told him about them its felt like he's been looking down his nose at me and that his attitude towards me has changed, he's picking on me for every little thing he can think of it seems and I'm now reaching breaking point after his phonecall this morning, if it carries on he will be told exactly where his job can be inserted and I will then go to the top of the ladder and tell them exactly why >:( >:(>:( >:(

  4. I also spotted this field when I was out near where I used to live the other day, looks like its been put into an arable reversion scheme as it was fairly poor growing land in a wet year, not seen so many poppies in a field for a very long time though


  5. Its a 50kph box fitted Mark, we were advised to go to that to keep the resale value up in the future.

    Been going through my phone this afternoon and found a load of photo's on there of the contractor baling our silage a few weeks back. As we were so short of grass on our first cut we've bought standing grass off 3 of our neighbours, made up of large margins, set aside and old water meadows, we were hoping for about 200 bales and we've exceeded that by getting 280, all carted back and wrapped at the old airfield in the village where our usual silage ground is located.

    The Krone baler is a demonstrator that the contractor is trying this season with a view to replacing three of his JD balers with it, early impressions of it are that its a good baler but they would be ordering them with the tandem axle option in order to spread the weight a bit more.







  6. It's more about physical oil capacity rather then flow rate mate I think... big rams take a bloody lot of oil  :of  .. some older tractors just don't have the sump capacity

    Got it in one, our sugarbeet contractor used to have a massive AS dump trailer with its own oil reservoir and pto powered pump on it as there were no tractors available that could tip it due to the amount of oil that it needed to get the two rams up. It was on a JD 7700 or 7800 if I remember rightly, trailer has since been replaced with a Bailey Beeteaper that causes no such problem

  7. Some idiot undoing and opening the gate into one of the meadows our cows are on overnight last night. The cows had been free range for several hours having trampled through one 35 acre spud field, luckily keeping up one end of it  and then through a 66 acre wheat field which is where they stayed all huddled up one corner next to the gate to another meadow where another group of our cows are on. We will be putting a padlock on the field in future, strange that its the field next to the one our irrigation pipes were pulled about on the other week......coincidence? I think not >:(::)

  8. Gavin, do you only collect the sugar beet stuff from Standen or the potato kit as well?

    LF: Standen's photo archive sounds very interesting. Did you scan it just to record it or will it be published somewhere?

    I have an equally sized collection of brochures on their potato kit as well Niels, will get round to posting it up when I get a minute :)

  9. Fastracs are very much a Marmite tractor, you either love them or hate them. The new ones are better than the older models, our neighbour runs nothing but Fastracs and the blokes do like them for comfort but they do have reliability issues with them and the steering lock is less than brilliant for some jobs. As a transport tractor they are well at home, I've had the misfortune to plough with an older 3185 and the gearbox was abysmal for field work, in order to go up one gear to go slightly faster it was a case of change down one range and up one gear, the gearstick itself was best described as like moving a spoon in a buck of sh....er treacle ;D  The 3290 I demo'd a few years back was a slight improvement though, still not a big fan of them for draft operations though personally

  10. Toolstation.....I placed an order Wednesday evening that was meant to be delivered today, everything was listed in stock when I ordered it. 10 minutes ago I get a phonecall from them saying one item was out of stock and did I want them to send everything else out anyway......now considering they promise fast next day delivery I would call that very poor customer service. You aren't going to tell me that it took them 36 hours to find out one item I ordered wasn't in stock before they contacted me about it. The items are now coming Monday when I'm back at work so there is no one here to sign for them, they've not given me a good impression of their service on my first and subsequently my last order I'll place with them >:(

  11. My welder decided it was going to cease to exist a while back so I've been keeping my eyes open for a good quality replacement for it and after I had a "good" month workwise during May I've finaly bought one. Instead of going for a bog standard transformer type machine again I've bought a little inverter welder for about the same price from a company called R-Tech Welding, a UK based company and it came with a 2 year warranty as well for added peace of mind

    Comes in a nice carry case....


    Small compared to a transformer type machine and only weighs 5.5kg



    Hopefully it will be as good as it looks and cost under £150 which is less than the likes of Machine Mart are charging for cheaper branded machines with less warranty :)

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