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Everything posted by trigger82

  1. Sold today in auction in UK not bad price for box set
  2. Yes Edward White very nice lad to deal with.
  3. Very very sorry to here that . I be very happy to help out give you few models up for prizes.
  4. Friend sent me this display and stuff forsale
  5. Yes I seen loads off pictures on Facebook. I won't get over to that show this year
  6. Can't say much about yourself buying models ha 😀😀🚜🚜👌
  7. I have good ways off not paying import tax on models So keep buying in the UK 🚜👌👌
  8. I only wish so .that stuff I bought few months ago . Just only got round to picking them up off my friend.
  9. Got this jcb as a gift off a friend for helping him send few models to Europe to cut down on the import tax . . Very smart model
  10. Few more Massey ferguson. Do few bits missing off them if anyone knows where I get a cab and few exhaust be help .
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