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Everything posted by trigger82

  1. I had this came up ended up having to log back in agan
  2. Last one new i bought came from newzeland and it was new £80 bought 2 od them .
  3. Ha ha 8 of them now No i just like Massey ferguson 390 wont sell any.
  4. Yes its lot better this way but still nice see it bit different
  5. I know the man selling it and he did sell it but dont know if person payed
  6. You buy a britains one here in Ireland or uk for lost lesse than halp tye price
  7. I know but lot of models on Ebay getting bided up and its not fare on the real people but yes price are good if your selling
  8. Same here and giving lot more for the weekend
  9. Dont know that i just sold 1 model to uk 2kg and woman in post office filled out a forum so i know in few days if the man has to pay any tax on the box
  10. But anyone buying from EU To EU is all ok no tax on stuff
  11. Seen this on Facebook side i post it here might help lot of use out Just to let everyone know there is import vat on models. Have ordered model's from Holland and got this letter in the post this morning.
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