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Posts posted by jakescot

  1. :)  ive enjoyed my wee tour round cornwall Cerin  thank you very much......cool pictures .....in fact better than just cool, some very arty atmoshperic ones too.

    weird though, even though the guys were on field work with the tatties in Feb, your silage wasnt any earlier than ours..........quite a lot of grain growing your way too considering the wet west reputation, I know you are a long way south of me but with our wee corner having the gulf stream influence we`re very wet.

    must try to get some shots of my odd selection of kit too

  2. bit late but there are mostly bomfords or mconnels up here, I  knew of 3 spearheads up here of which 2 have been replaced by bomfords.......................the guy nearest us that cuts the roadsides for the council has the spearhead, in the grass its fine give it rough stuff to do and the lad  that uses it breaks it.......

  3. well mine are already used up here

    I thought I told you to turn the tap off 

    oh right its just  the pipe that goes in the water  I ve got you now.

    I thought I got wet feet last night when I came back from the pub

    your supposed to move  out before you flood the paddy field

  4. If you do like some 'numpty' farmers and lime before the plough the lime will never work if you bury it.

    The reason you also never lime directly on ploughed ground is because when traversing ploughed furrows you'd never stay in the tractor seat.

    The lime only has to be incorporated into the first 2 inches of soil is so that the roots of the seedlings can take it up and as rain pushes it deeper the roots still take it up as they develop and go deeper into the soil. That's the basics of it.

    this is  pretty much how I understand it too  PR........we usually do apply it after ploughing but we tend not to plough so deep here ..........too many stones  and the guys who do it all have big sprung front axle tractors with cab suspension,,they cant always  go that fast either due to the slopes.

    I know a big batch of land round here changed hands oh , some 25 yrs ago,........guy was a good farmer so did some ditching,draining,fencing all prior to the much needed reseed.he didn`t however get the fields tested for lime until he had actually started ploughing.much to his disbelief, the testing showed no lime required which for us round here with all our rain is very unusual. the samples were re tested and this showed to be indeed the case.

    It was eventually discovered the lime had been applied and ploughed down some 15 years previously!!!!!!!!.....

    however, the seedsmen are recommending  to us on our grasslands that we should apply the lime this year to give it time to start to work before next years crop.this is what I`ll do once I can afford to start a proper re seeding program.

  5. thank you rick.............hence my recent absence..........deja vu        he actually died with us  having only driven down the 100 miles from his house to our local garage( he was getting his car( my old one) mot`d with the garage that i used ) that morning. he`d only just returned home 3 days before after spendin 9 weeks in the us with his eldest daughter. heart attack exactly the same as my mum whats the odds of that only 14 months apart , he`d only been in our house once before. air ambulance getting him to the hospital in 9 mins  still couldn`t save him.

  6. well... I'm only guessing.... but I'd say it was probably the end of the 318 engine I guess... I don't think it took well to turbo'ing either...

    The A4.236 works well blown (AT4.236)... it's a very strong engine and always has been

    think i remember someone telling me the A4.236 had  good oil flow through it which made it exceptionally well suited to fit a turbo to it.

    some great brochures there, never seen half of these foreign ones before

  7. i cant remember how to check what number i am but its 40 something.........i found britains models on ebay bought something off either dave T or nathan coop................I think it was nathan tho told me about this place so took a look and signed up...........no idea when it was either  ;D    dont you just love it being vague.........fraid as I think it was john lennon said, life is what happens when you are busy making other plans  so much of my post content nowadays is about real life stuff rather than models due to me not havin as much to do with the models as I`d like.

    great place , a credit to Andy , mods and members alike, everyone who contributes , gives help, advice and opinions.long may it continue

  8. only ever had tractor loaders , ive never  properly used a handler  I always wanted a handler due to pretty much whats being said.............faster, safer in use,with 4 wheel steer more manoeverable,higher lift , longer reach. BUT ........................ having done a fair few thousand hours on tractors with loaders over the years, I`m  fairly good with mine, the new one ,  claas fl80,  3yrs old almost,took a bit of getting used to after the fergie loaders  , the grab has been a god send ,as I say BUT, nowadays I have no interest in getting a handler......give me my trusty old  tractor and loader. yes they have limits but you havent got the versatility in the handler and when costs have to be kept to a minimum you have to take everything into consideration  not least the insurance issues regarding legislation  and the fact I have an employee who does his best but isnt one i`d be happy to let him loose on £40 000 worth of machine without some sort of training , again another cost.

  9. some grasshoppers round here, terrible power zappers on the hills, folks really struggled.one guy even put a bloody engine on his so he only had to tow it.

    Taarups round here were the main ones with claas a close second or the smaller guys like us , had claas disc mowers,kuhn or bamford as they were disc mowers or Fahr Km22 `s.

    there was a kidd clipper at borgue nearby and various odd others.before the bamford disc mower dad bought in 77 he had a kemper drum mower, good clean cutter but something major happened and it was better to replace it, can`t remember what now.

  10. Ive had plants arrive damaged too, sometimes you get on ok complaining, once i got full replacements full refund and kept the original boxes that after some tlc 75% came ok ;D  probably worth 45 quid, BUT on the other side, i have had plants go missing and complained to no avail.actually at the moment I have issues with an ebay purchase , piddly wee thing but still, (britains lawnmower won for 99p unboxed of course but still a bargain) it hasnt arrived and nobody is owning up to anything this is into the 3rd week.

    good repair job.........if you arent happy though,  flog it on ebay and buy another paul!!!!!!

  11. cool stuff mark , this just gets better, very realistic and all the floral garden stuff too, not cheap. The Imbers are great in there. My brother made a real log splitter  just like DT`s very effective from a very simple pile of scrap and a hydraulic ram.

    you have some great ideas and put them to use with great effect, thanks for sharin!

  12. dont know much about the auto fill etc,. big farm nearest here has  just bought a  BIG conor  its 2800 or 3000 and put a  smithy made boom on it.they have 5 tankers now.....next door to him has a new hi spec 2500 .I do know round here our bumpy steep fields used to split the tank from the chassis on the Abbey tankers in particular.

    All kinds of tankers around here . major, conor,star, fraser,hi spec, marshall,abbey ( ours is an abbey) tullow, NC,malgar,redrock,vicon even a massive jwt weston .

  13. this came up out of the blue really and am really just seeking thoughts and an approx value from anyone with an idea.has to be better than my own !!!

    I have one on the farm here, its had a new floor so is far from original , has been well used, original rims but not tyres. It`s  back door is there .it`s rusty  and  rough, make no mistake.

    I have been offered £500 for it from a guy who will  probably know what it`s really worth. I also had an enquiry off a guy I bought a wee old quad off to use as a spare..he`s looking to take it off my hands , probably in his eyes as part payment for the quad....It cost me £520 off ebay BTW.

    I really hadn`t meant to sell it , it will only rust away sitting where it is as I don`t use it. I would like to see it done up now I think about it  but don`t think I`d get round to it so would probably be best to let it go if the money is right....

    Any thoughts  please ,

  14. well well well, this is truly fantastic , I doubt if any of us will see a better MF restoration.thank you for sharing. All your hard work is , in my opinion well worth it and as for Marky`s £10k . I have no doubt it would make at very least  half as much again as that if you  ever chose to sell, not that I think you ever will.

    really made my day this has. A point too on the pressure control, my dad was given one when he bought his 165 new back in 73 or 74 I can`t remember and it lay up in the old dairy loft  still in the original brown paper it came in until a guy came back to work with us ( he first worked with the family in 1948! ) in 1984 just before I left school..........this guy is a genius , we used to say things took one graham power or 1.5 normal man power........he just laughed.anyways he was a pressure control freak too funny it wasnt as effective on the 565 as it was on one of the old 135`s    we have a 1965 round fender version UK C reg not done up  other than brothers rough paint job.he did reline the pistons in it 5 yrs ago .we didnt have  a 4wd til 93 and used the pressure control up to a point until graham retired. I can`t say I ever really fully understood the intricacies of it all.I got the basics and at that time I got a lot of the hand working so didnt use it as much as I would now have liked to. A cracking piece of engineering and would I be right in thinking ( never thought about this before) more ferguson ingenuity and brilliance????????

    hats off to Mr H and his contribution to modern agriculture and  BACK ON TOPIC  ::) ::)

    hats off to you Brian  on your faithful restoration

  15. just in case you are gonna go and buy one, i have a jml exakt saw and it looks an impressive machine.........................however!!!!.........

    I havent used it much and found it quite difficult to use if I had got to try it before I bought it I wouldn`t have done so........perhaps with practise I will improve however.

    My old male brain was struggling with the 3 things,........keeping one finger on the safety lever for the blade guard, working the switch  and pushing down straight on the saw body to let the guard  come up clear of the blade to allow it to work  wasn`t easy. :-\

  16. so john I`m then assuming ;D , a tractor from the drier east too would be better than one from my neck of the very wet woods.............I could always stop the worst of  any further of the wet by retro fitting fenders if it happened not to have any too. think i`ll pass on the 399  all things  considered.

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