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pistol pete

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Everything posted by pistol pete

  1. a lot of people use the wheel of the fendt 926. they are about the same as the fergies
  2. ye i agree and i aint a fergie fan. you never know by the time xmas comes you might have a beast.
  3. martin there will be something out there for you just dont buy the first thing thats cheap as you may run into problems. don't put yourself in debt to get a newer tractor as it is hard to get work for good money these days as everybody is at it.
  4. the 2650 i thought was the same horse power as the 2040. the 62 was the same size as the 2850 which was about 85 horse as the 3050 was 95 to 100 and the 33 was a 110 to 115. martin which dealer is selling that i think that it would be a bit small for what your wanting a tractor for have carted tatties for a couple of days with one and it struggled a bit on the hills with six boxes full.
  5. ye he still does that we had one spraying our barely in the summer.
  6. martin take it that is george' d's mb trac. we normal have the self propelled one think that one is mainly used for burning down the tatties with acid.
  7. that is similar to the way i did my bailey trailer but i do like the insert in between the two brass sections
  8. alpinefocus how did you fix the wheels to your axials
  9. sure fb would love a picture of that will needed to take alot of pictures at christmas of all the gear everybody has.
  10. all my mates have cold storage for there spuds. most of them have between 500 and 600 acres of spuds. they store them and then dress them when the orders come in.
  11. will try and get you some. bet martin has a few already they are like a normal shed with a cold air system that keeps the potatoes below a certain temp.
  12. FB you needed to make yourself a cold store to keep your full boxes in.
  13. the ridging ploughs are the only one with markers as far as i know. never seen a planter tractor with duals on it either most of the tractors that plant at home run on row crops.
  14. If she doesn't have it and you guys want it i could buy some and send it to yous for the cost of the material and postage if you want
  15. was out food shopping with the wife and saw it in the local supermarket. don't know if you can get it in the uk. can ask the sister inlaw as she owns a craft shop.
  16. ye martin it is a heston baler in the back ground. i used corrigated paper for the clading it is very effective and at onll 1.99 a sheet is quite cheap. did the same as fb to get the door to slide.
  17. will post close ups of the doors tomorrow. i used channel then a pice of plast struct that would slide in it need to sand a bit of the bottom as they are a bit stiff after painting it.
  18. with the roof of and through the doors
  19. Well finaly got round to building a tractor shed. its big enough to store some of my tractors and also to keep the combine in. heres a few pictures.
  20. can't remember what model it is but it is about 180hp.
  21. think ron started making trailer to sell about 15 years ago but they were just the backs of lorry's with a hitch and converted to be towed by tractors. the traier you saw as a kid were they single row on the trailers as they would have been used to open the fields.
  22. ye it is giving nothing but problems same as the one before. saying that the farm that we work togetheir at the harvest and silage and borrow each others tackel have two fergies a p plate and a t plate and they have been no problem at all have even had to drive the 6150 before not as nice as the jd though. marty will post a pic of the number plate andy has on the back of his tractor later as i have the same plate but not mounted it on my tractor yet.
  23. as far as i can remember he only has three working tractor now 68 6820 and his big fergie thatis never out of the workshop. its only a year old will find out for you.
  24. cheers martin will get started as soon as put the front pannels on my shed
  25. that was the tractor that was broken he must have got it fixed in the end.
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