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Everything posted by CJ

  1. i think we met that 1st 7920 on the a90 when we were over \
  2. is the 820 not above the 818 at about 220hp \
  3. oh i thought some had jd engines in them
  4. cheers blake thought it was time to do something again garret will try and get my photo back scene up today around my feild display. and need to get more red oxide spray paint as i just ran out half way through the end farme section
  5. just wondering what make of engine is in the 800 series renults/claas
  6. cheers jez the krones were ?60 and i think the claas one were about the same and i bought the 7930 seprate
  7. this only took a couple of hours stephen green corrie mark same as the other sheds but i think ill try and put in clear corrie as sky lights \ hopefully
  8. well finally got this year single farm payment so am putting up a small grain store and crushing shed not finished yet have another bay to add to it yet and the get her cladded and make a few doors any quesstions fire away
  9. CJ

    few pics

    get the 6290 out for a run blow the cobwebs out of her
  10. tell them there in your country and you can take pics of what ever uk built tractor you want and if that fails tell them you are from the immigration dept
  11. look simple enough that dose. can you get the bottles of stuff off ebay
  12. cheers everyone massive help will have to try some of those out in the next few weeks and a great looking display mx driver the lane is the same as i want
  13. they do look good jez thanks, anyone any ideas on how to make a stone lane
  14. who cares its big and green :D
  15. very interesting TOG. could you take of pics of our farm because would love to see how you run a suckler heard over the pond
  16. what sort of farm have you TOG dairy, beef, sheep
  17. yeah not far away gav, but got a fella that ill do them for ?70 quid thank goodness
  18. i need a bit of help here on my feild display theres a bit of a lane running up one side and i would like to make it more realistic and put a better hedge in as well what matterials would i need to do this and how would i do it. then im also putting up one of those photo backrounds on the other sides of the field dispaly and would like to put a ditch in on the edge of the table ??? any help would be appreciated
  19. its for my sulky dpx 1154 john ill have to keep looking for someone to make me some
  20. good job mark are you going to make a longer version for your tvt
  21. ringing round looking for two new rams for my fert sower then i find some one that can get them for me but at ?300 then i ring around looking to see if someone can make me a set but none make rams that small > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >
  22. cheers gents great help
  23. dose any one have the link for the pictures that can be used as backround scenery on layouts plz and are they still available
  24. thanks mate you dont want to part with that one do you
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