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Posts posted by nathan

  1. not sure on lengths but the 6180 bonnet is right for a 4cylinder model, far too short for a 6 pot engine

    i must say it looks a fab conversion, paint the loader and it will look great ;)

    thinking about the valtra loader at the mo the bucket on it is alot better

    what  about front linkage from the TTV?

  2. great pictures mate  ;D ;D after looking at grahams set up i'm off to B&Q next saturday to floor out the loft and my mates said the same too. oh if anybody wants some front linkages off the atles farmmodels.co.uk had some in one of there boxes. first time to the new site and i think it was great only problem some people thought was not cafe to sit in, but hey the carpark wasn't too far away to go sit down in :D. i wonder how many new members signed up when they got home? role on next year lads

  3. what a day, jez and the others displays were spot on. lots of great models , meet some ftf members,free choc  from sean. some of the dealers were saying it was a bit quite and if it wasn't for the ftf members displays it would have been empty. seans MF1250 in the flesh is a cracking model to look at.

  4. when i was younger you went into the local toy shop and they stocked all that was out and there was about eight of each model too. now its two tractors and the rest is bales and spud boxes. the lady in the shop said she can't afford to buy a box of say combines in sixes and have them on the shelve for six months. she said britains are not what they use to be like when her dad had the shop. i really think that britains won't catch up to the others. i've only known of siku for about 10 years and they get better by the year.

  5. looking forward to seeing the displays on sunday guys. had a good look on farm models site last night about toytrac and its nearer to us down in devon too. any body know how long it takes roughly to get there from plymouth or exeter

  6. 500 was good to drive, but felt unsafe in the steep where the 100 felt safer, the 500's cabs had some sharp edges in the cab too. i saw a kid at college drive a 565 over a speed bump too fast and flew up out the seat and almost take his nose clean off, and i've never driven a 500 with even brakes( gone down a few steep fields a bit faster than tractors should) the 500's were good when we were cutting caulis gearing was just right for walking/cutting and would pull good in the mud. then we got 290's and then 390's so the two 500's went up the road, shame really. but the boss must of missed the 500's coz one 4wd with loader turned up one day. we did have a 135 that would catch fire by the battery. i drove that the first day i started my farming life, the boss explained how it all work than said ' oh yeah sometimes it gets a bit hot in there(pointing at the battery) if you see fire and theres not water bout pee on it like i do" i thought he was joking but turns out he wasn't,

  7. is a huge palce, not unusal to see new kit being unloaded when you go by, only place i know down this way with a technoa self propelled sprayer like uh made thats for sure, always new trailers being delivered  to although i do tend to see the same ones in masons to,5 mins up the road(jd dealer) and a lot of trailers i see like baillys marston and aw all seem to have there stickers on, so maybe they also rent space as a holding area for masons?

    they are selling brand new tractors and machinery now too, so that might be why you see new stuff being unloaded. riverford were looking at buying a new tool carrier from them just as i was finishing work for the xmas madness that they have there. their rep gave us lot in the workshop all  vallence key rings . they didn't get the tool carrier in the end, didn't want a 4wd one wanted the 2wd one with the tooling between the front and rear wheels instead of out front on the 4wd one
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