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Everything posted by Kiwi6920

  1. I use the ones from the Magnetix magnet buliding sets from the toy shop, just cut the plastic casing of them, work a treat,
  2. Swap ya, ill have the rain, you can have my sun thats been here for the last 30 frikn days, we need rain now
  3. Have you had the Dis plesure of driving a 6020 ivt jd? Horid to learn compared to a cvx/tvt, at least with these you can work your scvs of one lever unlike the jds, hms can lift up, flip the pough, drop down and change speed on the cvx/tvt, jd will lift up and i think can change speed, you flip the plough your self, stupid in some ways I do agree ol, deffntly a upgrade, these new jds just dont seam to have the same quality as the older 10s
  4. My 2 cents worth.... for now, i can also add 2040, 4240,21402wd, let me know if you wnat them also
  5. I was meaning on my holaday mate, Might have a new job up here now
  6. Simple..... Magnet inside front wheel hub cover, bolt thru the wheel and file the head flater ( i use rounded head bolts) realy easy compared to the back
  7. Looks good mate, i drove one the other day the same as that, just no cab, nice job you did
  8. They are more dangerous than a nutter with a machine gun, I got hit by another branch the other day ( cut by my worker) and it knocked my bar in to my chaps, just as i was postiog for a new cut, Im happy i was wearing them and hit the chain brake, I have to get new chaps now, My uncle hit a nail in the middle of a tree, he can only see out of his left eye and cant smell or talk properly now, Chain snaped and did majour nerve damage to the right side of his face, ( back in 1960-70)
  9. took me alot of thinking dont it, pig of a new axle i recon
  10. Looks like a good job mate, That ant a saw your using, I have a Husky with 26in bar, im doubble cutting the logs at the momnet and still not cutting all the log, have to rip cut the ring 3 times then the worker cuts it smaller to be lifted, horrid job personlay
  11. Yup its all Farmex kit mate, good out fit to deal with Cheers Ol
  12. Wow you get the good Kit down there ol, cant wait till i come down now
  13. Nice work ol, thoutght you didnt have any spare time at the moment
  14. He might have to do the whole tractor or a compleate back axle tho, They arnt like the standard ones for the older tractors as it uses 2 magnets for each wheel
  15. :o :o Wow its a lot to me any way, crazy in my eyes
  16. * Love the 4240s But i cant find any pics of a 4240 ( other than our one) with AFWA (Non mechanical Hydrolic)
  17. Looks good blake, hope UH are looking at your work They could learn a thing or 2
  18. Looking good fin, Nice colection Snif snif, post count 138
  19. Ok here are 3 quick pics, im not home so i cant take it appartto do detailed shots ready for duals or work There is one magnet Behind the cover What the dual looks like on the INSIDE, this cant be seen when its on the tractor Her all dualed up, looks realy good Hope those pics help you out
  20. Looks good mate, cant wait to get mine
  21. Very , more stable than wheels, each track is around 500mm wide, and its the same width as duals, (around 3m) so realy stable Cheers mate, i didnt think they were that good, i need real digi cam for night pics i think Cheers Henry
  22. One magnet is under the wheel cover( main tractor wheel) the other magnet is only seen when you have the duals of, its atched to the shaft for the dual
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