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Everything posted by Kiwi6920

  1. Hope they dont lose same, recon they should get duetz tho, one stop shop then, From what ive herd they proberly wont get them tho, the family dont care about ag tractors or machnery now Why dont you buy the same car? Right up you ally mate
  2. You seen the one that cosgroves have in hamilton mate? I snaped these when i was up there a couple of weeks ago, they were shut tho so i couldnt get beter pics
  3. Wow nice pics again, me about the farmers moods at the moment, That 5120 looks mint, she looks like a well cared for tractor
  4. Lucky for some gav, They are trying to enforce driving hour restrictions on tractors in nz now, they are trying to make them the same as a truck
  5. Seeing a Case MX210 and Claas Qudrant in a ditch knowing a car hit it and there is atleast one person dead, The case had duals and looked like it was on its side, i couldnt realy see
  6. That looks spot on to me, real cat yellow is quite mustard like, my challnger r matches the rest of my 50th scale cats
  7. Pure class JDC ;D That should be in pic of the day
  8. Nice pics boys, keep them flowing Any more model ones?
  9. I tend to do a avarage of 800 machine hours a year, i have put 100 hrs on the case in 6 weeks. all we are doing is feeding out, hate to think how many hours i will do when i start dirt work
  10. Have you tryed NZG/ Conrad them selves? Conrad are realy good with spare parts
  11. OUCH to me it looks like the steel belting has snapend, proberly been snaged at some stage and streched with out been noticed and you got a rock under the idler or roller and she went twang under the added strech, Its just one of the risks with rubber tracks, I personlay hate them becouse they are so easy to pop of or rip up, im a steel man personaly,
  12. Well done Toy farmer, stunnung display you did and im glad i voted for you, I voted for 1st and second So well done guys
  13. 7740 blue top ford/NH Cor she looked mint, i was a padock away from her but she was like porn ;D
  14. It depends how accurate you want it mate, repaint is the cheap easy and fast option, a scratch built one would be the muts nuts tho
  15. Ohh yeah i forgot you couldnt see above the gutter tris :D
  16. The loader is optinal mate, i recon the 1st one is the best pic
  17. Top plop quality those Mfs, rung the dealer up to day to get a demo one, It burnt out on the way here Did do more work for the day then the case tho
  18. The ****** boss, the tractors, the cows, Total ass of a day, boss did nouthing today, blooming case broke down, Jd fuel gauge craped out at 1/4 tank ran out of deisel I realy cant wait for the 31st march when i leave
  19. Nice work tim, i realy like the blured pic of the 250, makes it look like a action pic
  20. So you have to sell both arms and maybe a leg to buy it then??
  21. Try 5ish mate, As gav said its about the overhang but you also have to rember that its not 1.5ton static weight, its moving, and most revs shake the tractor when they roll over
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