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massey man

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Everything posted by massey man

  1. ardmillan river in full flow
  2. workin with a diffirent outfit over the weekend jd 6420s drawn water with 1600 redrock
  3. fred did a blue lowloader for leslie stevenson just hadnt got nc decals,i know that he uses jcb yellow for the kane lowloaders never knew fraser made lowloaders?
  4. wat by stevie johnsons jcb 434 or was it the tvt sumbody was telln me about??
  5. massey man


    over here everyone fills from the left of the harvester seems to b the same way in scotland judging by murrays pics,its easier on the harvester man fillin from the right but harder on the trailer man ,if hes fillin his own load
  6. burnin there house or throwin stones doesnt come close to wat will happen them if they are found out
  7. think theyre jus chattin about usin the trailin shoe for the slurry outa the big cow house at renoylds,it has the bubbler system in goin 24/7 shud b well mixed
  8. old bosses indoor silo at the new farm bein delebiretley set on fire,automatic scraoper unit melted,cubicle mattressses melted indoor silo destroyed 150 round bales of barley straw destroyed,5 fire appliances at it,jus after the tm270 got the last bale out the roof came in,100 cows near burned alive but all ok
  9. i cudve lamped the space stealer and the car driver he cudnt drive ducks up a shuck!
  10. ah but the trailin shoe comes with a yoke on the top forget the name of it but it chops everythin that goes through it the only thing that it doesnt like r dry cow tubes,it jus slices them in half they wud still block the pipes
  11. big il get the measurements for u shud hav them here sumwhere
  12. cows getin out at half 6 this morn,scraper tractor refusing to start,sum ejit doin 25mph on the road then when i go to overtake him he sinks the boot trys to race me and somebody stealin my parkin space at the shop!
  13. no stone!,we havent had too much rain jus wild windy yday!
  14. gud dry weather man get the tankers n the rear discharge goin,hedge cutter and ploughs out!
  15. our contractor has two m115s 115hp standard screwed out to 160 hp each pure weapons
  16. wat was that tractor on the ferry tanker????????
  17. massey man


    porter contracts t series claas discos big m mark 2 8 -9 16ton kanes on tm130s,140s 50ft and 30ft claas rakes jag 900 and 890 speedsters jcb 412 and 416 (416 with 13foot fold up buckrake) also running a blue redrock ground drive tanker at the slurry with two blue russcons drawin to her
  18. dont want to see a seperator all id b spreadin wud b dirty water n i hate that!,u cant beat makin the field black
  19. took a visit to johnston gilpins not so long ago to lift parts for brian horner funny there were no masseys there,yet low and behold when u took ur visit to cyril johnsons last weekend there was a 6820 in the yard,she has only 250 - 500 hrs,the fella traded her for a 6480 massey loves it apparentley the deere broke his heart ,my 6480 has 2000 hrs on her she aint that new!
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