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Everything posted by Hillview

  1. Some photos of the Schluter Profi Gigant
  2. You could combine a couple of farm visits as well as Moira show. The Moira boys could have a return leg to Scotland for the Aberdeen guys to show us around.
  3. A wee boat trip over to Moira Show, Northern Ireland next Autumn. You'd be more than welcome.
  4. Moira Model Club are hosting their 5th Farm and construction model display show on Friday 29th and Saturday 30th October 2010. This show as featured in Classic Tractor July 2010 has the reputation of being the number one diorama show in the UK and Ireland. 30 display entries have been received to date and this October show will undoubtly be the best Moira show. The article in Classic Tractor only gives you a taster of the Moira show. The displays are huge and the detail unreal! The displays are full of scratchbuilt and converted models, handmade buildings, realistic fields and farm scenes. It is being held in Trummery Sales Arena, Moira, Northern Ireland and proceeds of the show will go to charity. G and M Farm Models and a few local model sellers will also be in attendance. It is only 15 minutes from Belfast International airport and around 30 minutes from Belfast city Airport. Also a couple of hours drive from Dublin. This is definitely a show not to be missed! Ryan Air, Easyjet, Bmi, Stena, P&O, can all get get you to Northern Ireland at a low cost so you have no excuse!! All FTF members will be made welcome at the show. Moira Model club looks forward to seeing you there. Please send a pm if you want further details regarding the show! Thanks for your interest.
  5. I am looking pictures of Mini veg packers which are used for cabbages and caulis please as I want to get a model one made. Can anybody tell me if rowcrops are used on the tractor rigs. Pictures would be great if possible. Thank you.
  6. Now's the time to start thinking about the displays. Might be four months to the show but the time will fly in. Plenty of time to add extra detail to your layout. We have to up the standard at this May show and have displays that are sitting as near realistic and detailed as possible. Had hoped to get a few acres of early spuds in this week as I wanted to be harvesting at Moira but Hillview Farm is frozen solid. So time has been spent in the workshop repairing, servicing and making a few things for the farm.
  7. There will be plenty to see at "The Moira Show." Click on www.visitlisburn.com and on where to stay. Lisburn is the nearest city to Moira. It is about 10-15 mins drive to the show. There are b + b 's in Moira. Check out www.bedandbreakfasts.co.uk and click on Moira, Co. Antrim. Moira is a small town and the show is a couple of minutes drive from the town. There are no shortage of places to stay near Moira.
  8. I haven't been to all the shows Tractorman810. I agree all shows have good and bad points. Some people go to shows to buy standard off the shelf models, others go to buy scratch built models while others go to admire the layouts. People like different shows for different reasons. I mightn't have been to all the shows but I have seen the photos from all the various shows and European diorama websites. That is what I am basing my opinion on. The quality of these layouts are amazing. Thanks for the reply about the French show Johny mf. I'm interested to know what other shows are out there.
  9. There's Spalding and Toytrac, The Lakeland show and Moira show to name a few. No competition to the like of Zwolle! From the pictures I have seen of European shows and their farm diorama websites they are years ahead of anything the UK has to offer!
  10. I was impressed with Zwolle last week in terms of the high quality conversion and sratchbuilt models available and also the excellent detailed layouts on displays? Is Zwolle the best farm model show in Europe? Can anyone recommend any other shows worth going that rival Zwolle in terms of dioramas?
  11. It's the attention to detail that makes these displays.
  12. some excellent crop grading equipment
  13. I was at Zwolle and thought it was amazing. Some great layouts and scratchbuilt models. There were a few Self propelled beet harvesters but no Self propelled potato harvesters or even a two row potato harvester for sale. There has to be a market for this type of model. Does anyone know of anyone out there who makes a self propelled potato harvester or would be interested in making me one? Thank you for your help.
  14. [img height=427 width=640] http://lh4.ggpht.com/_yIAnNfKVNTs/Su2SsRvZVGI/AAAAAAAAANM/msUlZ-H6yc8/s640/IMG_0531.JPG
  15. [img height=427 width=640] http://lh3.ggpht.com/_yIAnNfKVNTs/Su2Tgux7-4I/AAAAAAAAAOo/ApfWnrxRB7c/s640/IMG_0577.JPG
  16. At the maize in Moira [img height=512 width=341] http://lh4.ggpht.com/_yIAnNfKVNTs/Su2TUlgkifI/AAAAAAAAAOU/s_XJR8eIRmw/s512/IMG_0563.JPG
  17. Thanks for your help. Much appreciated.
  18. I am taking a wee holiday to NZ and Australia in June. Will be travelling around South Australia and New Zealand. I have an interest in all types of farming especially vegetables - potatoes, brassicas etc. Also I am a big farm model collector and am interested in farm dioramas. I would love the opportunity to visit some farms in these countries during my travels. If anyone can help me or recommend areas/farms that would be worthwhile visiting I would really appreciate it. Thanks for your help.
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