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Everything posted by powerrabbit

  1. Marky. I agree with you on the enormous differences in the prices for the same item and it's all really down to what an individual is willing to pay for a specific item. On the subject of the white MF, I could have had one at the last local toy fair for £100 but did not on principal for something that was advertized when it was released for £22 and I think that if more people would follow this principle prices would not get so inflated but that's human nature, 'must have at any cost'. I'd sooner go without it. I can buy nearly four sheep carcases for the deepfreeze for 100 quid.
  2. This eBay price thing, in my own opinion, is a very false guide, it's like the price of houses, prices vary to where you are in the country and you can't really compare two items the same in different parts of the country as the amount of disposable income that people have varies from region to region. It's exactly the same for models. We get traders from the London area down here at the toy fairs charging London prices and then moan and complain that they don't sell anything. Going back to eBay prices, how many items do you see that at the end of the listing appear to be sold and a few weeks later it's back on again. I know for a fact that items at times are 'run' and this creates a bit of a false market. The best way to ascertain the market value of an item is to watch the auction houses. With the current economic situation I think the bubble is going to burst and all prices of this type of thing are going to fall considerably as people are watching their finances more carefully for the necessities.
  3. Awwwwww. Now that's a bit unfair. Your Brother's off 'round the World and your Mum won't let you go just a short distance? Tell your Mum that the World IS round so your Brother is bound to come back!!! I'd escape if I were you! :D
  4. Hoping to go as I have not been to any other model events much this past year as there has not been much on and have been saving up. I am told that anyone wanting a table will have no trouble as the bookings to date have been very poor.
  5. I have contacted 6 MF dealerships across the Southwest and they have all more or less told me the same, either they did not receive their allocation or those thad did all the staff had them. Some people that I have spoken to told me that they pre-ordered one from their dealer and never received it, again, staff filtched them. They are not happy bunnies!
  6. I am now getting rather sick and tired of the hype that these models are attracting and the rip-off prices that are being asked for them considering that they are recomended at a price of £22. Yes, I know that they are difficult to come by in some areas, so my sugestion is, we here on the forum, amongst other things, help each other out, right? So, how about anyone that can find any at a REASONABLE price help those that can't find one. Those of you that can find any please say so so that those that can't can send you a PM. I for one would like one of these models and I'm certain sure that when the time comes, this type of 'favour', if that's the right word, will be retuned. I think you all know what I'm trying to say.
  7. I may be wrong but isn't this just a regular model in a different box?
  8. Just looking around or having a stall? I'm going as well, might see you there. Be at Farmer Ed's stall at precicely 12.00 noon I'll meet you there and say hello. Ed's Son is running his stall today.
  9. If you mean the brushed silver one, yes, 1,500 made worldwide. I have'nt removed mine frome the box but I predume they are individually numbered underneath.
  10. More expensive eh! I think that the 'expence', wholesale, will depend on where these models come into the U.K from. From CM they are fully loaded but can be imported from other sources much cheaper.
  11. Ford's 'Selectospeed'. We had various terms for this around here, 'kangarooamatic' and 'jerkomatic' spring to mind. If only, as said it had better change control, a bit akin to 'multipower' on the Fergies, had a tendancy to be very dangerous on relatively steep ground.
  12. Here are pics of 3. First is the Matchbox one. Second, Britain's. Third, fairly large scale diecast one by a British maker, M.P.T.C. whoever they were. Sorry not very good pics.
  13. Well, here I am starting it off. Cement mixers have been part of the farm for many years now, either tractor powered ones such as the 'Teagle Tip Mix' just to mention one type, engine or motor driven 'builders' types for the building of block walls and other farmer 'self build' projects or for the larger building projects like covered yards, concrete yards, driveways and the like the good old lorry mixers of Readymix, Blue Circle and other Companies. I have 2 lorry mixers, the one mentioned in previous posts and another Readymix lorry, this being the Matchbox 1:50th scale? Kingsize ERF. I will post up a couple of pics later.
  14. How about a grey and gold, you would be cooking on gass then!
  15. I think that I read somewhere that if at first charge the red light stays on, remove from charger and put in charger again and switch on. I thought that I had a problem with the handset on mine but found that you have to use the alkaline 1.5 volt batteries in it and not re-chargable ones as the latter are only 1.2 volt and won't work the tractor.
  16. If you're going to the next Exeter toy fair Sean on the 21st they will be there
  17. Nearly bought one today at a local rally from my freindly model dealer. Very nice model indeed. He had about a dozen of them. Did'nt notice the price as I bought a lot of other stuff from him so will wait till the end of the month and get one at the next toy fair.
  18. So it would seem that £45 is a fairly good price then for a boxed 2 tone green one, Theres been one on a stall at a local toyfair for the last 2 years, will have to see if the chap still has it at the next one, about the only Britain's model of that period I have'nt got.
  19. Tractor dealers used a variety of service vans over the years and in this country British manufactured vans were mainly used. The dealers usually had a contract with a van supplier or dealership or a direct supply contract with the manufacturers themselves and bought a 'fleet' of vans, especially the bigger dealerships and tractor franchises and would be decaled or sign-written by the suppliers. This picture is posted somewhere back in the mist of time on the Forum as I believe that the subject of service vans has been here before but here is one that I did a few years back, not very professional but the livery and period of the van lent itself perfectly to what I intended.
  20. This link will tell you all you need to know at present about the new book. Type in David Pullen in the search box and it will come up. http://www.veloce.co.uk/shop/products/search.php
  21. Some were in different boxes as well. Early ones had grey underside and was shorter at the back, the back of the combine being 'open'. The front axle was a plain wire one, later ones had the shiny caps on them. The darker 'cherry red' one was made in Macau for one year only and then in China when the colour became correct again. Decals varied as well I think from time to time. Going back to the underside, later ones were black and covered the whole of the bottom. For a full description and list of years and variants, there is an article on these combines in one of the old 'Site & Model' mags.
  22. Another case of a rip-off merchant trying to pull the wool.
  23. Never seen one 'in the flesh' but it is said that it exists. Britain's did experiment with various colours in the early stages of production of implements so anything is possible.
  24. The grip washer that pushes over the pin under the yard brush is the same ones that are on the Acrobat hay rake, handle on the Mule-dozer and quite a lot of other Britain's implements of that period with moving parts, if I think of any more they're on I'll let you know. The spring is easy to replace, cut down an old ballpoint pen spring.
  25. A slightly difficult one to vote on and pin down to a single publication I feel as they all have their merrits and their place in the market catering for all tastes and ages. I buy 3 of these publications as their content appeals to my past and present.
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