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Everything posted by powerrabbit

  1. Do'nt think that I shall be going to this one as I have spent some serious dosh these last two months on models, now I have to sort out the other bills as it's now the end of my financial year.
  2. I received a letter today from Gray's of Shenstone regarding the Massey Ferguson and plough study titled 'Autumn Ploughing'. This is the one that is supposed to be available only through the Massey dealerships in conjunction with the MF 50th anniverary and not on general release and was advertised in the magazines when it should not have been and if you remember, it was said that anyone that ordered one through the mag ads that Border would honour the order, anyway, the letter says, and I quote,. 'The model will be in stock 23 May approximately'.
  3. Replacing the missing and melted parts on the 5000 would be acceptable and are available from Brian Norman in Merrion, Pembroke, give him a ring, 01646 661645. Air cleaner and round exhaust are 50p each and the wheels are ?1 each. Ask him to send you his parts catalogue. Well worth doing.
  4. It's supposed to be an E27N on steels with road bands fitted but the tractor looks too low to the ground for an E27N which makes it look more akin to a Standard Fordson, perhaps the wheels represent 28's instead of 36's.
  5. James. Cut 2 small blocks of wood and sand them smooth for the fuel tanks. Just a thought.
  6. I think that you could link up the disc harrows to make up gangs by the instruction sheet.
  7. I've never come across one with instruction sheet.
  8. I am not sure how long these were produced for but I think to around 1961, anyone with the Britains catalogues from those periods would be able to tell you mor precisely. The disc harrows came in various colours, blue, red and green. The 4 furrow plough had 2 slight variations, the first issue having a metal rear furrow wheel, which is rarer to find, the second one had a plastic one and the green paint was a brighter more shiny green as the more dull earlier paint (on all models) had a high lead content which was banned in the early 60's.
  9. Did'nt seem to be as many stalls there today but there was a fair crowd of people and more of them seem to be buying tractors. I did'nt take any photos as there was nothing really out of the ordinary there that I noticed but I did buy a couple of fairly rare models together with a few others of which I have posted up in the latest farm toy related topic for you to see. One tractor that I should of took a pic of was a Chad Valley Nuffield Universal, mint with its box but could'nt get near the stall for the crowd. The guy had a price of ?1,250 on it.
  10. Nice revue Jez and as you say, terrific model in detail and accuracy. I have one in its own box, like you say, big box. I've also got it in the set with the Claas Ares ATZ tractor. In this set, which is in a dealer box, the rake is in the transport mode thus taking up less space. This set, although it's not stated, is apparently limited and according to the dealer that I had it from, is hard to obtain.
  11. This could be a numptiable offence misleading everyone like this!
  12. I always take the camera as I usualy take some pics and do a report for one of the tractor mags to either go in the news section or as part of the model feature page so a report for the Forum first would be no problem. Those of us on here that will be there ought to print off the FTF logo onto a label and stick it on our foreheads, we will all recognise each other then! Any other suggestions?
  13. I shall be there fairly early as I normaly 'help' Farmer Ed with his stall and can be found 'hovering' around with him. As for bagging some bargains I think we will just have to wait and see, a lot of the dealers are now looking at the likes of eBay to see what the market is and price accordingly and then complain that nobody buys anything!
  14. Yes, I know there are other events on over the Country but just thought it worth a mention for those that were reasonably local and might not of known it was on. Anyway, I shall go, don't really intend to purchase anything in particular, spent too much already this month and there are bills to pay but I will more than likeley come home with something, can't help myself, got a couple of items that I have picked up for a couple of the dealers so I shall be doing some negotiating.
  15. The next Exeter toyfair is next Sunday 6th for anyone that's interested.
  16. Farmer Ed's Diecast. Ed Tarr in Devon, 01548 550457. He still has a few I think, he will be at the next toyfair at Westpoint Exeter next Sunday 6th April.
  17. The yellow version of the 1884 was non-powered. There was a version of the 1884 that was powered, this tractor had a black front axle and casting. I was told that it is an original, very few were made aparently and never apeared in the catalogue, the example I have unfortunately is un-boxed so I can't verify its authenticity, it may possible be that Britain's may have 'toyed' with the idea of producing a blue 1884 powered model but decided to stick to the TW35 version. Speaking of the TW35 'Power Farm' model, I have a pair of them (together with a pair of Howard dungspreaders that went with them) that were 'shop display' models, these tractors have no motors in them and were displayed in shop windows with the spreaders connected to them on a diorama. The dungspreaders are a darker orange than what the final production ones were painted and so these were never boxed.
  18. Nice plough, worth a tidy bit. Agree with the 'black bags', get some mouldboard varnish and spray them over, comes in spray cans I belive, available from dealers, farm stores, Vapormatic and Sparex. May be from Bepco as well.
  19. Been out turning the garden today, the way my seed teddies are chitting out tells me it's time to get cracking with it. Have to check out the merrytiller soon to make sure it will go.
  20. Been a georgeous day down here, a little chilly in the wind but in the sun pleasantly warm, lovely out turning the garden. Getting overcast now and begining to rain a little, they do forcast a bit of rain overnight.
  21. Replacement resin red cab is available from Brian Norman for ?6. I don't think there is any glazing but for the early one with just the windscreen this is very easy to make from stiff cellophane. Strange thing, I've found a few original yellow cabs but never any red ones, they very occasionaly come up on eBay but usually make fair money.
  22. There are 2 variants of the red cab on these tractors as well. The early 135 with the centre steering made between 1968-69 had a fully glazed cab and you should notice that the right-hand mudguard did not have the stop for the loader lever which the second series did. This one was supplied in a sleve and plinth box. The second series one had a partial glazed cab, windscreen only, and the loader handle stop on the mudguard was introduced. This one was supplied in a window box, 1970 to 72. Both were supplied with a white plastic block/adapter to enable the fitment of the muledozer as the length of the tractor was too short without it, it fitted over the headlamps. The third red 135 of 1973 to 75 had the external steering with the wire link, the previous ones had a cranked/swept back front axle and the wheels angled, this last one had a straight axle, painted link lift lever. The last version was made from 1976 to 79 and the cab was now ommited, the lift lever was silver and the window box had a back card stand. So all versions are readily identifiable, providing that they have had no restoration, Number 1, fully glazed cab, no loader stop on mudguard, cranked front axle, centre steering. Number 2, partial glazed cab, loader stop on mudguard, same steering and axle as 1. Number 3 & 4, straight axle, side link steering.
  23. My favorite job always was and still is ploughing. Really nice to see nice straight furrows standing neatly with no trash showing. A true work of art that unfortunately, with the advent of minimal cultivations, is dying out.
  24. After yesterdays continuous heavy rain here, which amounted to 54mm, just a fraction over 2 inches, today is a little brighter as the cloud cover is not quite as thick, it is still raining lightly. The coming week is forecast to be drier but much colder 'till Wednesday. Will have to watch the Countryfile forecast for the week, supposed to be doing some ploughing next Sunday postponed from the last 2 Sundays.
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